CAS prospectus

12 Whether you are looking to unlock the mysteries of the universe or delve into the wonders of nature, the College of Arts and Sciences helps you find the answers that change the world. Experiential learning runs throughout our curricula, from the first science class you take through your senior seminars and labs. You will be challenged to excel, both inside and outside the classroom. There is much to discover in the college, and the wide variety of opportunities available to you will support the broadest of interests. We understand that each student has different needs, so your courses will expose you to the diversity found in science and mathematics while helping to develop a sense of intellectual curiosity and the judgment necessary to function effectively in our increasingly complex world. The cornerstone of an education in science and mathematics is the opportunity to investigate a chosen discipline in depth. During your years at Lehigh, you will develop connections with faculty who are committed to your growth and success. Our faculty is dedicated to providing an environment that will nurture this exploration and allow you to develop a close academic rapport with a faculty mentor. You are also encouraged to participate in various ongoing research projects as early in your academic career as possible. Natural Sciences I N S I D E T H E C O L L E G E O F A R T S & S C I E N C E S / N A T U R A L S C I E N C E S & M A T H E M A T I C S Mathematics &