
72 | LEHIGH ALUMNI BULLETIN | CLASS NOTES began school at Brooklyn Law School, and while it has been challenging, it has been extremely rewarding, both academically and personally. She is so grateful for the amazing friendships her time at Lehigh University brought her as they conti ’20 Evan Choy egc320@alum. lehigh.edu Hello, Class of 2020! Happy New Year! I hope 2023 has been treating you well and you’re looking forward to the spring weather. Lots of great news to report on, so let’s jump right in: Fellow YAC member Megan Gottschall is wrapping up her first year in the M.Sc. philosophy program at the University of Edinburgh. She moved to the UK last August soon after we connected at the Rally. I wish all those wrapping up another academic year good luck on final exams! Joe Lobeck, another fellow YAC member, married fellow classmate Trish (Reilly) Lobeck. The two met during freshman year at Lehigh and were married on Aug. 27, 2022, at Packer Memorial Church surrounded by family and friends. The ceremony was followed by a reception at the classic Hotel Bethlehem. Congratulations to the newlyweds! My last report for this issue is a little bittersweet. My former housemate, Alexandro Pozos, is moving to San Jose, Calif., to join Conan Shen in working for Penn Engineering. While I will certainly miss him on the East Coast, a big congratulations on the new job! ’21 Anmol Shrestha, shrestha.anmol. as@gmail.com or @anmolshres on Instagram and Twitter; and Skyler McCabe, skylermccabe1@gmail.com ’22 Clare Fonstein, clf222@alum. lehigh.edu Happy New Year, Class of 2022! Here is hoping 2023 brings all good things for our class. To start off the new year on a celebratory note, my former roommate Jessica Franolic will be starting a new job this spring alongside Nick Kosir. Both will be working as project development engineers at DEPCOM Power. DEPCOM Power is a utility-scale solar company that was recently acquired by Koch Engineered Solutions. An IBE student, Jessica graduated in May 2022 with a B.S. in finance and completed her B.S. in mechanical engineering and energy minor in December 2022 (what a load of B.S.!). Nick graduated last winter with a B.S. in integrated social science and engineering through the IDEAS program and is completing his master’s degree in 2023 in energy systems engineering. The two will be starting work in February at DEPCOM’s New Jersey site. Congrats to the new teammates on their graduation and jobs! For those who would like to share updates, please do! My inbox is open and empty. Reach me at clf222@alum. lehigh.edu! ’23 Connor Melko, clm323@lehigh.edu Greetings everyone! The Class of ’23 is ready to embark on our final semester here on South Mountain, and our group already achieved great things and had fun this school year. Tyler French is a cross country athlete who found strong success on the grass this season by earning an All-Patriot League finish, placing in the top 14 against 114 other competitors. Off the course, he attended the Society for Biomaterials meeting in Pittsburgh, representing the Chow Lab, and showcased his material science knowledge. With all the fall festivities going around in Bethlehem, Drew Roman attended Oktoberfest at the SteelStacks and witnessed entertaining events such as wiener dog races, the Pennsylvania Steinholding Championship and a live performance from KC Makes Music. Riley Williamson embraced his Scottish heritage and attended Celtic Fest in September, another marquee event that hosted the U.S. National Highland Games Championship. This championship celebrates the culture of the Scottish Highlands and tests competitors’ strength and stamina through various challenges. Lastly, Joseph Cranley viewed the Freemansburg Hill Climb, where dirt bikes travel to the top of a 500-foot hill that boasts three jumps. It’s an event that must be seen to be believed. ’24 Samantha Gropper, shg224@lehigh.edu Hey, Lehigh! I hope everyone is having a great fall and end of the year! The Class of 2024 has definitely been enjoying the fall foliage and crisp weather in Bethlehem. It’s hard to believe how quickly the fall semester has gone by. Emma Closter is currently serving as Lehigh’s first-ever United Nations student representative for the College of Health. A population health major and computer science minor, Emma applied for this opportunity and began her role during her sophomore year. In this position, she serves on behalf of the College of Health students and faculty by creating events, programming and platforms to connect the UN and the College of Health. Emma currently writes the “Health Hub,” a biweekly newsletter that updates students on events UN agencies are hosting, as well as, events on Lehigh’s campus. As a UN youth representative, she receives a badge and entry into the UN. This opportunity is unique to Lehigh students, and Emma has found this opportunity to be extremely enriching and fulfilling. Lehigh’s campus culture and overwhelming support from the College of Health have pushed her to explore new things at Lehigh. She has truly been able to apply her classroom knowledge to real-life experiences. In addition to her position as the UN representative for the College of Health, Emma is also involved in a variety of extracurricular activities on campus. She is the chair of the programming committee for Lehigh’s Peer Health Advisors, a student-run organization that helps promote mental and physical health and wellness experiences in Lehigh’s community. She was also an orientation leader through the Office of FirstYear Experience, a member of the PR committee for Student Senate for one year and the Panhellenic delegate for her sorority on campus. As a leader in so many different ways on campus, Emma is excited to continue growing her position within the UN, as it is still a new and developing role. She hopes to keep fostering a strong relationship between Lehigh and the United Nations. In the upcoming spring semester, she is studying abroad in Geneva, Switzerland, on the public health track. Through this program, she is interning with an NGO to continue learning about public health policy in another country. The Class of 2024 is so proud of Emma for all her hard work, and we’re excited to see what new things she brings to this position! ’25 Editor’s note: Please welcome Stephanie Kasulka to the role of class correspondent! She can be reached at sek225@ lehigh.edu.