
28 LEHIGH UNIVERSITY These same topics are also addressed during numerous in-person and virtual training sessions conducted by the Office of Survivor Support & Intimacy Education and the University’s Equal Opportunity Compliance Coordinator/ Title IX Coordinator. These offices have collaborated with the Health Advancement and Prevention Strategies Office to offer additional educational opportunities to students regarding alcohol and drug use in the context of consent and sexual misconduct and the ways in which students can engage as bystanders in risky situations, and works with the Office of Student Engagement and Athletics Department to provide educational opportunities tailored to specific student populations. For employees, in addition to orientation sessions, the Title IX Coordinator conducts numerous in-person trainings on topics including sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence. Online training modules discussing sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence is available for faculty, staff, and students annually. In addition, the University regularly engages external speakers/ consultants to present to faculty, staff, and/or students on a variety of topics relating to sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence. These topics have included consent and alcohol/drugs and mandatory reporting of sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence. For the past few years, the Office of Survivor Support & Intimacy Education has utilized the Bringing in the Bystander® program, an in-person educational program that encourages participants to become positive bystanders in instances of sexual and interpersonal violence and harassment by learning to identify problem situations and practical skills for safe and effective intervention. The Office of Survivor Support & Intimacy Education has also recently joined the Know Your Power® campaign, an image-based social marketing campaign portraying realistic and provocative scenarios that highlight the important role of all community members in ending sexual and interpersonal violence and harassment. The Bringing in the Bystander® program and Know Your Power® campaign are the most recent efforts utilized to engage students in building skills to recognize instances of potential sexual and interpersonal violence and to intervene to stop these instances. Previous campaigns and programs utilized by the University included the Red Flag campaign, Missoula’s Intervention in Action Project, and the Step UP! Campaign, along with a program specifically developed by the Office of Survivor Support & Intimacy Education and the Crime Victims Council of the Lehigh Valley for University students. For employees, the University provides recurring opportunities for participation in the University of New Hampshire’s PowerPlay: Bystander Intervention workshops. These facilitated, interactive workshops utilize live actors to allow participants to identify incidents of bias and then build the ability to address these issues in a positive and constructive way. Risk Reduction As explained more fully below, the University provides information on reducing risk of sexual misconduct, violence, or stalking in a variety of ways, and provides numerous opportunities for students and employees to increase both their knowledge on the risks and ways in which those risks can be addressed. The University avoids victim-blaming language and techniques and instead provides strategies that may reduce risk and allow individuals to take an active role in increasing their safety or the safety of those they care about. Those strategies include: safety planning, including having a back-up plan; keeping an eye on friends; practicing safe drinking; trusting your instincts and checking in with yourself; and being aware of your surroundings. LUPD offers instruction in the Rape Aggression Defense (“RAD”) program to both male and female faculty, staff, and students. The RAD System is a program of realistic, self-defense tactics and techniques. It is a comprehensive course that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training. https://police. In addition, numerous trainings address the presence and use of rape drugs, and encourages awareness of those