
22 LEHIGH UNIVERSITY Lehigh University Police Department 321 East Packer Avenue 610-758-4200 The Lehigh University Police Department (LUPD) is fully accredited by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and is available 24/7 throughout the year. If a report is filed, the police will take appropriate steps in response to the report. If the conduct occurred outside LUPD’s jurisdiction, LUPD will assist in reporting the incident to the proper law enforcement authorities in the applicable jurisdiction. Filing a Report or Complaint with the Title IX Coordinator Faculty, staff, and students who have experienced dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, or any other form of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, or have information about such conduct, should immediately notify the Equal Opportunity Compliance Coordinator (EOCC)/Title IX Coordinator. This administrator will assist the impacted individual in determining whether the complained-of conduct is Title IX Sexual Harassment, harassment of some other type, or something else, and make sure appropriate processes are explained. Karen Salvemini Equal Opportunity Compliance Coordinator & Title IX Coordinator Alumni Memorial Building, Room 305B 27 Memorial Drive West Bethlehem, PA 18015 (610) 758-3535 In the event that the conduct involves the Title IX Coordinator/Equal Opportunity Compliance Coordinator, reports should be made to: Chris Halladay Associate Vice President, Human Resources 306 South New Street, Suite 437 Bethlehem, PA 18015 610-758-3900 Faculty, staff, and students may make a report to both the police and the University, or may decline to notify either entity. University resources will assist with notifying LUPD if an incident of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, or other form of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct has occurred, if the survivor so chooses. A report may also be filed online simultaneously with both LUPD and the University by completing and submitting the online Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Incident Reporting Form, available on the EOCC and Survivor Support & Intimacy Education websites or at sexualmisconducttix. Initial Steps and Supportive Measures Generally within 72 hours of receiving a report of sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or sexual exploitation, the Title IX Coordinator will contact the impacted student or employee and offer to set up a time to meet to discuss the student or employee’s options and rights. The Title IX Coordinator will also refer the individual to the appropriate policy for more information. The Title IX Coordinator provides written notification to students and employees about existing counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, and other services available to impacted individuals, both within the institution and in the community. Contact information for these services is available under the “Get Support” section of this Report. During this initial contact with the Title IX Coordinator, a determination will be made regarding supportive measures to provide for the safety of the impacted individual (who may also be known as a “complainant”) and the campus community while being mindful of the rights of the accused individual (who may also be known as a “respondent”). For students, the range of protective/supportive measures may include, but are not limited to, interim suspension/emergency removal from the institution, transportation changes, interim removal from housing, adjustments to academic classes or University residence assignments, access to counseling services, the issuance of University no-contact orders, etc. For faculty and staff, the range of protective/supportive measures may include, but are not limited to, temporary work restrictions and/or changes, transportation changes, interim leave, and University no-contact orders. Supportive measures are available to students, faculty, and staff to the extent that the requested measure(s) is reasonably available, regardless of whether the impacted individual reports the conduct to the police or proceeds with a University process. Information about options for supportive measures is provided in writing to students, faculty, and staff. Students, faculty, and staff requesting a supportive measure should contact the Title IX