11 2024 ANNUAL SECURITY & ANNUAL FIRE SAFETY REPORT send push notifications and text message alerts through HawkWatch. At Lehigh University, the Office of the Chief of Police will, generally, review all reports to make the determination, and in consultation with other offices, such as University Communications, make the decision as to whether a timely warning is required. However, in emergency situations, any police supervisor and/or police dispatcher may authorize a timely warning. For incidents involving off-campus crimes, the University may issue a timely warning if the crime occurred in a location used and frequented by the University population. Although the Clery Act does not define “timely,” the intent of such a warning is to enable our community to protect itself. This means that a warning is issued as soon as pertinent information is available and verified, so that it can be used as a preventive tool, and not solely constitute a description of the incident. The amount and type of information presented in a timely warning will vary depending on the specific facts and circumstances of the crime. If there is certain information that could compromise law enforcement efforts, those facts may be withheld from the timely warning notice. Generally, the warning will specify the type of crime reported, the time and location at which the reported crime occurred, and specific advice to the campus community regarding steps to take to avoid becoming a victim. In certain circumstances, an incident may not meet the criteria of a Clery-reportable crime occurring in a Clery-reportable location, but may constitute a serious or ongoing threat to the campus community. For such instances in which timely warnings are not required, the Chief of Police, or a designee, may choose to issue an “Alert,” notifying the Lehigh community of the threat. The content of such an Alert may vary depending on the type of incident reported and the location in which it occurred. Emergency Notifications The decision to initiate an emergency notification usually starts with the Lehigh University Police Department at the point of confirming a significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on the campus that involves an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees. Predicting how and when crisis situations will strike is difficult, so preparation is critical. Depending on the nature of an emergency, certain members of the Crisis Management Team, including the Operations Group, or their designee, are notified and come together to make determinations about, among other things, confirming the existence of the emergency or dangerous situation, initiating the emergency notification system, determining the appropriate segments of the campus to receive an emergency notification, and determining the content of the emergency notification and the notification procedures utilized as described below. The Lehigh University Police Department engages University Communications to review language as appropriate and send notifications if the police are otherwise engaged in responding to a situation. The determination of point persons is made on a case-by-case basis depending on the nature of the situation. Confirming the Existence of a Significant Emergency or Dangerous Situation, and Initiating the Emergency Notification System The Lehigh University Police Department will work with local authorities, when appropriate, to confirm whether the incident constitutes a “significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on the campus that involves an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees,” such that an emergency notification is warranted. Upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on the campus that involves an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees, the Lehigh University Police Department, in consultation with University Communications, will, without delay, and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification, and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification would, in the professional judgment of the first responders, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to or otherwise mitigate the emergency. Determining the Appropriate Segment(s) of the Campus Community to Receive an Emergency Notification Generally, campus community members in the immediate area of the dangerous situation (i.e., the building, adjacent buildings, or surrounding area) will receive the emergency notification first. The Lehigh University Police Department will continually evaluate the situation and assess the need to notify additional segments of the campus population (consulting with University Communications as needed). Determining the Content of the Emergency Notification Generally, the Lehigh University Police Department will identify the situation, the location, and the immediate protective action that should be taken, consulting with University Communications on appropriate messaging as needed.