
CLASS NOTES | SUMMER 2024 | 67 Hear.Now Asbury Park Festival! Keep the updates coming! ’94 Michael B. York, 575 West End Avenue #9A, New York, NY 10024;; (917) 575-9391 By the time you get this, our 30th reunion will have come and gone. Hopefully, this time, I did not have some lame excuse as to why I did not attend! Wanda (Stengel) Hohenshilt’s youngest son just finished his first year at Westchester University, and her oldest is a senior accounting major at Susquehanna University, having recently spent a semester in Italy. Wanda is a general surgery physician assistant, celebrating her 25th year of employment. Mandy (Rogers) Brightman and Glenn Brightman recently relocated to Atlanta. They left Philadelphia in 2005 for Tampa; moved to Charlotte in 2007, where Glenn was chief finance officer at Nuveen; and moved to Atlanta in 2021, where Glenn is now chief operations officer for Americas at Invesco. They have three children: Matthew (23), who attended UNC Chapel Hill and is now engaged and working for Accenture; John (21), who will graduate with an accounting degree from the University of South Carolina and then off to get his master’s at UNC Chapel Hill; and Katie (18), who just graduated from high school. Mandy is a business manager for a biotech company and runs a vacation rental in Florida. Nicole Engles lives in Boston, working in marketing. She has five children, with the two oldest starting college this year at The Naval Academy and Cal Tech. Belin Robertson’s son, Austin, is a junior at University of Washington in Seattle and his daughter is a senior at Sage Hill School in Newport Beach, Calif., looking at colleges. Chris Magdelain left IBM in 2021 and is now director of design strategy and UX at Genesys, working remotely from Austin, Texas. He and his wife, Karen, have two children, Zach (14) and Avery (16). In Chris’ spare time, he is a personal performance coach to anyone looking to close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. And outside of that, he’s busy smoking meats or putting a new twist on any kind of Texas BBQ he can get his hands on. Sounds very Texas! David Stillman has lived in NYC since graduation. His daughter, Devin, is in her final year at Muhlenberg, and his son, Mason, just finished his first year at Indiana University. Dave is director of sales for New York for ConvergeOne. Matt DeBarger is a math teacher at Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach. Linda (Baffa) Corso has been at Turner Construction Company for 30 years and is currently a project executive. Her daughter, Marissa, is at Lafayette College, majoring in neuroscience/pre-med. Brian Lapin’s daughter, Harper, recently committed to Lehigh’s women’s lacrosse team as a member of the Class of ’29. Brad Cuddeback ’93 and Michelle (Leonard) Cuddeback’s kids are also at Lehigh: Katherine ’23, William ’24 and Michael ’28. Samantha (Churgin) Bennett and Andy Bennett’s daughter, Sarah ’23, graduated with a degree in industrial engineering and is working at Messer US in the graduate development program. Their daughter, Cami ’26, is in the College of Health. The Bennetts hosted Julie (Vozick) Fisher and Warren Fisher for a golf tournament last summer in Boulder, Colo. Evan Stein ’93 put together a mini-Zeta Psi reunion this past winter. In attendance were Chuck Sorrentino ’96, Andy Newman ’95, Adam Sabella ’92, Bill Rickelman ’93, Elliott Waller ’93, Andy Udell ’92, Scott Chinitz ’93, Nick Losavio, Rob Esposito ’95, Brad Cuddeback, John DiVito ’93 and Jared Horowitz ’95. He said, “It was great to see everyone—even if our collective waistlines got bigger and hairlines shorter.” ’95 Bridget O’Connell, 1840 Sycamore St., Bethlehem, PA 18017. (610) 868-6605 (H); Thanks to John, Lori and Kristi for sharing the exciting events happening in their lives! John Checco retired from active service in the Army after nearly 28 years and is now an associate director at the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller. Lori (Montemurro) Goldstein, author and creative writing instructor, held her first in-person, weekendlong writing retreat on Cape Cod in January. A dozen writers attended, including fellow Lehigh alumna Robyn Lynch ’06 and Alyssa Gutjahr ’13. Another is planned for next winter. Kristi (Olsen) Roney shared that, following a career in finance and accounting that included a stint in Big Four accounting with Deloitte, she returned to graduate school in 2011 at University of Kansas to pursue a master’s and Ph.D. in French. She has now secured an assistant professor of French position with Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va. For next year, she has been awarded a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award to pursue research in Paris. Kristi will spend this 10-month fellowship completing her monograph, “Balzac, Society and the Birth of Modern Finance.” For an article about this award published by her university, please see the following link: Additionally, Kristi has two sons in college, and her spouse and 14-year-old daughter will accompany her to France for the year. ’96 Jen (Crimmins) Keen, 17 Windsor Drive, Foxborough, MA 02035. (508) 543-5036; Hi, Class of ’96! I’m still reporting news that I received from my email blast last summer. Thanks for sending it in! Tara (Mockler) Snow is living in Wilton, Conn. She is married to Andy Snow and has three children. Her oldest daughter, Molly, is a first-year student at Lehigh and is playing lacrosse for the Hawks. Tara met up with Kimberly (Miller) Tompkins in Virginia this past summer. Kim lives in Danville, Calif., with her husband, Brad, and their two daughters. Stephen B. Morris is married with four kids and lives in Bryn Mawr, Pa. He has been doing succession planning for executives and family-held businesses for over 26 years. David Hardwick has been living in Atlanta for 11 years, living a few blocks away from many Lehigh grads (Cam (Holtzman) Carter and Dan Carter ’94, Bret Almassy ’94 and Aileen Connolly-Almassy ’95, Andrew Donaldson ’95, Doug Borse ’93 and Jon Hallett ’91). In October 2022, he became the CTO of a clean tech startup, Kelvin, which has a mission to decarbonize HVAC systems of legacy buildings. The company recently had “$7 million in series A funding, so we have more runway to show the 80% of NYC buildings (also applicable to Boston, Philadelphia, etc.) how they can save money and reduce carbon emissions with our solution.” With two older kids (17 and 14), they are starting to look at colleges for the oldest. “Jay Morin ’97 reached out and convinced me to do the college tours before junior year starts; that way if these tours inspire the kid, then they have all of junior and senior year to kick butt. We’ve seen eight colleges so far, and Jay’s advice is working; my son