
FROM THE NEST | FALL 2024 | 43 “Wally Richardson. I will forever remember the tie he would wear on exam days that had little pictures of screws with ‘U’ underneath each. A needed introduction to the real world for a cocky high school valedictorian.” —Margie Edmonds Wallace ’88 “PROFESSOR RICHARD VINCI. BRILLIANT, INSPIRING AND SO DEARLY MISSED.” —Laura Moyer ’99 ’02G ’06G ’28P “PERRY ZIRKEL. HE HAS A ONCE-IN-A- GENERATION MIND AND A BIG HEART TO MATCH.” —Youssef Chouhoud ’05 ’11G “NEAL SIMON. TAUGHT ME HOW TO PREPARE AND DELIVER A GREAT PRESENTATION.” —Kari Hackbarth Arienti ’86 “Jack Lule. Not only a wise professor but a wonderful human!” —Jennifer Albano ’01 “Floyd Beachum in the College of Ed—TRANSFORMATIVE. Honestly, though, my journey was also impacted by others who I must name: Kathleen Hutnik (Grad Student Life) and Yvonne Lee (Grad Student Writing Director).” —Kadia Hylton-Fraser EdD ’22G “PROFESSOR DANIELLE LINDEMANN FOR GIVING ME CONFIDENCE IN MY INTELLECTUAL ABILITIES.” —Genevieve Jacobson ’24 Emory Zimmers Jr., professor of industrial and systems engineering, assists a student with computer data.