Modified our Data Center to accommodate more computing nodes, which means we can better meet growing demand from Lehigh researchers for onpremise HPC resources for data- and computationheavy research. Research Computing and Digital Scholarship staff taught 17 Research Computing seminars on topics such as Research Computing Resources, Programming and Data Visualization in Python and R, Open OnDemand, Concepts in Machine Learning, and Text Mining, for 60 faculty, students, and staff. In addition, our Research Computing Team held two workshops in collaboration with the Departments of Chemistry and Mathematics on using Quantum Chemistry packages and Programming in C, Fortran, OpenMP, OpenACC, and MPI. Workshops were attended by 57 faculty, students, and staff. Introduced new technologies for HPC such as containers and a web portal to enable the use of interactive applications, including virtual desktops, MATLAB, JupyterLab, RStudio Server, and various visualization tools, thereby lowering the barrier of entry for nontraditional HPC users and for teaching and learning purposes. Refreshed our Ceph Data Storage Cluster with a hard-disk drive (HDD) slow tier for storage and a solidstate drive (SSD) fast tier for high bandwidth read/write from computations on the Sol HPC cluster. 230 Active users 51 Active Project Investigators 24 PI Departments 55 Majors and departments 2.21M Jobs (using 19M+ core hours) 2.74M Core hours donated to Open Science Grid WH O ' S U S I N G H P C ? RESEARCH COMPUTING More Lehigh researchers are relying on cloudcomputing approaches to meet their HighPerformance Computing (HPC) needs. Because cloud computing is different from on-premise HPC in many ways, this expansion has presented new challenges and opportunities for our Research Computing Team. To meet specific research needs of Lehigh faculty, LTS has expanded both on-premise and in-cloud computing capacity, which means providing different software, different technical specializations, new forms of consulting and support, and new cost-sharing models. We are developing new services to help Lehigh researchers meet increasing data security requirements for research. As research relies increasingly on shared centralized data sets, LTS computing, library, and information security specialists help our faculty navigate complex Data Usage Agreements, create Data Management Plans, and meet expanding federal compliance requirements. With limited physical space, power, and cooling in the EWFM Data Center to support substantial growth in High Performance Computing (HPC) and research, we launched an HPC Data Center feasibility study to determine best options to support future HPC and research needs. The study was shared with the Provost, deans, and VP of Research. Next steps are to develop a comprehensive plan to ensure we are prepared to meet emerging Research Computing needs. 1 2 | L I BRARY AND TECHNOLOGY SERV I CES