GUIDELINES FOR EFFECTIVE CROSS-CULTURAL DIALOGUE TRY ON: Helps create a safe learning environment in which to try on new ideas as well as model accepting behavior. IT’S OKAY TO DISAGREE: Across cultural differences, we sometimes will see things differently. That is to be expected. Honoring our differences supports open dialogue. IT’S NOT OKAY TO ATTACK, BLAME OR SHAME SELF OR OTHERS: Accept others where they are and remain open to the possibility for new learnings and growth. Attacking, blaming and shaming can shut down meaningful dialogue. PRACTICE SELF FOCUS: Speak for yourself (e.g. I think, I feel, I believe, This is my experience). Speaking for yourself allows others to get to know you better. PRACTICE “BOTH/AND” THINKING (RATHER THAN “EITHER/OR” THINKING): Develop the skill of holding two competing thoughts. Both might be true. “I want to go to class AND I want to go to the movies.” Practice using “And” rather than “But” in your dialogue with self and others. NOTICE PROCESS AND CONTENT: Process is “how” we engage. Content is “what” we engage about. Both are important. BE AWARE OF INTENT AND IMPACT: The impact of your words and/or behavior might be different from your intent. Everyone makes mistakes. Develop the skill of acknowledging your impact. MAINTAIN CONFIDENTIALITY: Share your story/experiences and not those of others unless you have permission. Maintaining confidentiality helps to build trust and more open dialogue. © VISIONS, Inc. (Vigorous InterventionS In Ongoing Natural Settings). Used with permission.