2023 Viewbook Final

A Partnership with the United Nations Lehigh was just the sixth university in the world to have official recognition as a nongovernmental organization (NGO) by the United Nations, alongside organizations including the International Federation of the Red Cross and the Humane Society of the United States. This NGO status means our students have the opportunity to attend UN conferences and private briefings, intern with UN NGO offices worldwide, serve as youth delegates, and host ambassadors and UN delegates on campus. Each year more than 1,500 Lehigh faculty, staff and students attend UN conferences, high-level briefings and private meetings with ambassadors and other UN officials in New York City and on campus. Youth Representative Program Youth Representatives meet with global decision makers, participate in international conferences, and moderate briefings broadcast worldwide. Our Youth Representatives speak on the floor of the General Assembly and work with a wide array of organizations, including Lawyers without Borders, the Peres Center for Peace in Israel, the Center for Public Health in Nigeria and the Darfur Rehabilitation Project in Sudan. United Nations Interns More than 90 Lehigh University students have served as interns at the UN, and have had experiences including meeting the secretary-general and engaging with senior UN diplomats. Our students have interned as speech writers, social media marketers, UNESCO researchers, NGO Relations staff members and designers of globally viewed briefings. United Nations on Campus Ambassadors and delegates from across the world have visited Lehigh’s campus to give speeches, hold workshops and engage directly with students, faculty and staff. STUDENTS Promoting Women’s Safety An interdisciplinary team of Lehigh students developed a small, costeffective device to help women living in areas with high rates of violence against them to quickly access emergency response services. The students’ invention, Soterra, uses Bluetooth mesh networking technology and GPS to allow women to discreetly contact friends, family or the police when they feel threatened. ALUMNI Developing Life- Changing Medications An award-winning industry veteran with nearly three decades of experience in healthcare, pharmaceuticals and entrepreneurship, Dr. Frank L. Douglas has improved the health of millions of patients by leading the teams that were responsible for the creation of numerous drugs, including Allegra, Lantus, Taxotere and Actonel. Dr. Douglas has come back to campus as a keynote speaker for admitted student programming to discuss his experiences at Lehigh and in his career.