2023 Stabler Scholarship Report

STEPHANIE MORRENO-RIVERA Hometown: Philadelphia, PA College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Mechanical Engineering Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. One of my proudest accomplishments was the STEM-SI (STEM Summer Institute). Being accepted and placed with the research professor I wanted to work for was an accomplishment on its own. My work consisted of innovating a fish schooling module for the CHOICES program, which taught me new skills I would have only ever learned way later in my degree. The accomplishment I am so proud of was the fact that I was able to present a poster of my work at the end of the summer at Mountaintop’s Summer Expo, where all students present the fruit of their summer research. I managed to win third place in my category. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? I am currently pursuing a competitive national internship program. I have aspirations to enter the aerospace or aeronautical industry. Lehigh reinforced these aspirations by informing me that there are offices that support students in these kinds of application processes. Lehigh so far has assisted me in looking for ways to improve my resume as well as reviewing my essays for my application. My aspirations to become an aerospace engineer have been supported by faculty in the College of Engineering and my STEM and non-STEM programs here at Lehigh. They have written me letters of recommendation and supported me as mentors. This kind of encouragement has allowed me to see a future in engineering for myself. A message from Stephanie: Thank you for your selflessness and belief in my education. With this financial burden alleviated, I am free to focus entirely on my studies, my passions, and my ambitions. The support I receive in pursuing a degree in engineering has had an immeasurable impact on not only me, but my family as well. They have been pillars in my personal and professional growth and now, so are you. I want it to be known that your investment in my education is not taken for granted. This privilege empowers me to stay committed to gaining as much knowledge as possible, acquiring meaningful and practical skills, and becoming a dedicated engineer. Fun Fact: My idol is Guillermo Ochoa, Mexico’s national men’s soccer team’s goalie. I share a birthday with him.