2023 Stabler Scholarship Report

ANDREA PALLADINO Hometown: Staten Island, NY College: College of Arts and Sciences Major: Journalism Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. My proudest accomplishment at Lehigh was being an orientation leader during this school year. It pushed me out of my comfort zone because I had to become a facilitator and mentor, which was a new role for me. I had always known that helping others was something that I was passionate about, but being an orientation leader was extremely rewarding because I was able to share my knowledge about and love for my school. A first-year in my group approached me after orientation and said he felt so grateful I was his leader. I was able to make him feel less nervous and inspired him to apply to become a leader himself for next year. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? I have always felt unsure about my future plans, so I aspire to continue to take classes that are outside my major as well as to join clubs at Lehigh. Doing this helps me continue to discover what my passions are. Finding my likes and dislikes while at Lehigh brings me closer to figuring out what I want my future plans to look like. A message from Andrea: I feel so appreciative to have been awarded a scholarship. Receiving a Lehigh education is a financial sacrifice, but it has also been the most influential part of my life so far. Being a Lehigh student has exposed me to so many people and opportunities that allow me to grow each day and make me feel so proud. I am extremely thankful to have been given this scholarship, and I plan on continuing to give back to the Lehigh community as it has given me so much. Fun Fact: I’m a Swiftie.