2023 Stabler Scholarship Report


2023-2024 STABLER SCHOLARSHIP REPORT Some people cross your path and change your entire life’s direction. Just ask a Stabler scholarship recipient. Donald ’30 and Dorothy Stabler were people who passionately believed in Lehigh. They understood that opportunity and hard work transformed eager students into exceptional graduates and our society would be better for them. Because of their belief in the Lehigh experience, the Stablers gave generously to establish scholarships, starting in 1965. They wanted to ensure that bright and industrious students with Lehigh ambitions got their chance to realize them, just as Donald himself had. They knew, that the future we make together is better than the one we make alone. For the future makers awarded a Stabler scholarship, the support means far more than financial aid. It’s affirmation that all their years of hard work have paid off. It makes Lehigh affordable for them and their families. Above all, it’s rocket fuel for launching big dreams — welcome help when the sky’s the limit for your aspirations. From their origin stories to their many majors, Stabler scholarship recipients are as varied and interesting as the academic options Lehigh places before them. They bring to campus gifts of intellect, curiosity, and motivation. They’re here to learn, to collaborate, to explore and discover. And when they graduate, they leave Lehigh equipped and ready to face the challenges of our dynamic, connected world, wherever that world needs and leads them. The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Scholarship is an enduring promise. It allows Lehigh to award scholarship commitments in perpetuity, knowing that there will be resources available for the deserving students to take full advantage of them. We are grateful stewards of this powerful gift, which honors their intentions and furthers the mission of Lehigh University in the very best ways. Please enjoy getting acquainted with some of our current scholarship recipients, whom you’ll meet on the following pages. Like you, we celebrate their accomplishments. And like them, we deeply appreciate your vision and support.

STABLER SCHOLAR SPOTLIGHTS “Your investment has granted me the opportunity to focus on my studies and extracurricular activities rather than worrying about the financial aspect. With your backing, I'm not only receiving an education but also gaining the tools and experiences necessary to thrive in my future endeavors. Thank you for your unwavering support. Your belief in my potential motivates me to work harder, dream bigger, and contribute meaningfully to the world around me.” Sabato Corbisiero ’26

ISABELLA MONSTWILLO Hometown: Corvallis, OR College: Interdisciplinary Major: Computer Science & Business Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. I arrived at Lehigh wanting to be a dentist. During my first semester, after years of having my heart set on dentistry, I didn’t feel like that path was for me anymore. After a rough first semester, I struggled with motivation to study these subjects due to my lack of interest. In the second semester, I explored other interests in different subjects. I took a computer science class, knowing I enjoyed it when I took AP Computer Science Principles in high school. I enjoyed doing the homework for the course and actively engaging in the class. My biggest accomplishment was receiving my first 100% on one of the exams. Eventually, I applied to Lehigh’s Computer Science and Business Honors Program and got in. This allowed me to realize it’s okay to switch majors and that I can have fun and enjoy what I am learning. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? I have always wanted to be a leader and successful in my career. I’ve had opportunities to work on leadership skills in the past. Yet, after a year at Lehigh, I’ve noticed a significant increase in those opportunities. It’s not just from clubs and extracurricular activities but also from the courses I am taking and the academic support I receive due to the resources available on this campus. That will allow me to reach my goals here at Lehigh for my undergrad and professional career. A message from Isabella: I am very grateful for your help. Thank you. The scholarships and financial aid I receive help my family and I a lot. Without them, I could not pursue a degree at this school. Based on my major, the resources available on campus, and my determination to work hard, I will be able to reach my professional career goals, allowing me to have the future I’ve dreamed of. Fun Fact: I am in the belly dance club, and I love to knit.

ERIC NGUYEN Hometown: Philadelphia, PA College: Interdisciplinary Major: Computer Science & Business Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. One of my proudest accomplishments at Lehigh so far is being able to immerse myself within the community. As a freshman, I struggled to find my place at Lehigh as it was a huge culture shock for me. As a sophomore, I became more involved in the community, joining University Production, Global Union, Phi Sigma Chi, and the Computer Science and Business Association. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? I intend to make my mark by becoming a leader on Lehigh’s campus. I will communicate with staff and faculty to plan, run, and set up many of the large events Lehigh supports, for example, Fall Fest, Hispanic Heritage Month, and even Wingo. With the skills I improve at Lehigh, I plan to bring my professional career to life. A message from Eric: Thank you! Scholarships and financial aid have been a game-changer for me here at Lehigh. They’ve been a lifesaver, lightening college expenses and opening doors to opportunities I might not have dreamed of. Thanks to your support, I am able to fully dive into my studies and engage in all sorts of extracurricular activities that have enriched my college experience. These scholarships and financial aid have not only made my education more affordable, but they’ve also given me the flexibility to explore my academic passions and contribute to my personal and professional development. Fun Fact: I can box.

“I wasn’t aware of this when I decided to attend Lehigh, but this school is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Not only have I made lifelong friends here, I have also grown immensely as a person. I have learned many life lessons and have been given so many amazing opportunities. Lehigh has unlocked a life path that will allow me to achieve my dreams.” Jessica McCurry ’26

RAUL CONTRERAS Hometown: New York, NY College: Interdisciplinary Major: Computer Science & Business Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. Becoming a Gryphon has been one of my biggest accomplishments at Lehigh. Coming from boarding school, I have played a leadership role in the dorms for a long time. Being able to translate that at a larger scale into the Gryphon role has been a blast! I work to create a curriculum and maintain the community in my dorm area. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? I am very grateful for the support Lehigh has given me and the feeling of community that is built on this campus. I don’t doubt that I will be open to giving back to this community that has given so much to me. Right now, I plan on doing that by representing Lehigh in the best light I possibly can when I wear my Lehigh shirt and post on social platforms. It goes a long way and continues to build the reputation of Lehigh. A message from Raul: Thank you! Financial aid has made an impact in my life by allowing me to come study at Lehigh in the first place. When I was picking which college to attend, money was the biggest factor. Lehigh was a no-brainer due to the amount of aid I received along with the prestige of the university. With the money I receive as scholarships, I can continue to study and complete my role as a student with no stress. Fun Fact: I am a Gryphon!

ALEXANDRA NOBLE Hometown: Yonkers, NY College: College of Health Major: Population Health Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. Applying to be a tour guide was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I knew it was something I would enjoy, and it is my favorite extracurricular I do at Lehigh. Becoming a tour guide has also given me connections with the admissions team and opportunities that I would have never known about, such as working as an intern for the diversity team and being an admissions fellow. It has also improved my communication and leadership skills. Lehigh has given me so many opportunities to reach my full potential. I feel like there are endless ways to be involved and put myself out there, which is something I am so grateful for, and I am proud of myself for pursuing these interests. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? Lehigh has allowed me to branch out and explore so many other career paths and opportunities that I would have never known existed. Coming into Lehigh and taking a variety of classes, as well as my College of Health courses, and doing extracurricular activities with children and others, I have realized there is so much more out there in the field of health care and medicine that is not just becoming a doctor. Being able to explore other options has inspired me to hopefully pursue a career in child development and social work. Even though I am not necessarily set on a specific career path, Lehigh has allowed me to get a feel for what I am truly passionate about and what I want to pursue. A message from Alexandra: Thank you so much for your generous contributions to aid my education and experience at Lehigh. You gave my mom so much relief when my aid package came in, and I owe it to her to do as much as I possibly can on campus. Because I have kept myself occupied with all of Lehigh’s opportunities, she is very proud of me for coming out of my shell and being super involved. Your donations have helped motivate me to continue to work hard and show up for myself because education is a huge privilege. I am so grateful your scholarship has given me an amazing college experience so far. Fun Fact: I can solve a Rubix Cube!

MAYOWA LATONA Hometown: Norristown, PA College: College of Health Major: Population Health Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. One of my proudest accomplishments at Lehigh so far is pushing myself out of my comfort zone to connect with peers and staff. Coming from a school with a small graduating class, I feared talking to and connecting with people. I am proud of all the connections I have made. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? My intent is to make my mark on campus and beyond by being true to myself and making sure I leave an impression on every individual I encounter. I plan on going to medical school and continuing to build my network. A message from Mayowa: The financial aid and scholarships I have received have made a difference in my experience. My parents have to worry less about the cost of attendance, and I am able to continue pursuing my education. Thank you. Fun Fact: I have a birthmark on my left arm that is shaped like a heart.

TOLUWALOLA MAYOWA Hometown: Middletown, DE College: College of Health Major: Population Health Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. My proudest accomplishment at Lehigh so far is making the friends that I have now. When I first came to Lehigh, I made it a point to be outgoing, meet people, and join clubs, which is exactly what I did. I joined the African Student Association, Black Student Union, JM Entertainment, African Renaissance, and more. These places helped me find my community and created good connections that I am really proud of and happy to have. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? I intend to make a mark on campus and beyond by actively engaging in leadership roles, fostering positive change, and promoting inclusivity in my fields of interest. On campus, I plan to join student organizations and clubs that align with my interests and values and strive to make a meaningful impact through my involvement. Whether through organizing community service initiatives, advocating for sustainability, or promoting diversity and inclusion, I aim to be a proactive force for positive change. Beyond campus, I aspire to extend my influence by participating in internships, research projects, and networking opportunities that allow me to apply my knowledge and skills to real-world challenges. My goal is to leave a lasting legacy of dedication to progress and a commitment to making the world a better place. A message from Toluwalola: Thank you so much for what you are doing to support students like me at Lehigh. If it weren’t for scholarships and financial aid, I wouldn’t even be at Lehigh. Fun Fact: My high school superlative was “most witty.”

BATOUL BAZINE Hometown: Charleston, SC College: College of Health Major: Health, Medicine, and Society Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. One of my proudest accomplishments at Lehigh so far has been joining the Gryphon Society! It was my goal after seeing how helpful my own Gryphon was, and after many interviews, essays, and patience, I received an email saying I was accepted. It has especially helped me with better understanding of how to find resources for students that were in the same place as me, since I am one of the Gryphons for the first-generation student living-learning community. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? Before Lehigh, I was unaware of so many types of careers, and while I knew what I wanted goal-wise, I did not know it had a name: medical anthropology. I ended up asking my adviser about it, and she connected me with a professor that is in the same field. This opportunity has allowed me to now go after research that I want, apply for jobs better suited to my liking, and understand what I want post-graduation. A message from Batoul: Thank you! Without this scholarship, I wouldn’t be able to attend a university that so fully meets my educational, social, and personal needs. It allows me to pursue my academic studies without having to worry about looming student debt. Fun Fact: I had a bird lay eggs in my Nike Blazers. The eggs hatched, and the birds flew away.

ERIN KIM Hometown: Bethlehem, PA College: College of Business Major: Accounting Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. As a freshman, I was looking for a field other than business that can spark my interest as a scholar. So, I took this psychology class called Personality. I saw and heard how people considered it as one of the hardest courses to take, but surprisingly enough, it became the course that made me claim my minor in psychology. I’m proud to have opened up a new door as a scholar actively seeking to learn new things, and I see myself passionately learning more about psychology, regardless of how challenging the course may be. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? I think one of the most outstanding qualities I see in Lehigh is its resources for future professionals seeking to embark on the first stepping stone of their career. I’m amazed by the amount of passion and genuine desire of Lehigh alumni as well as staff to help the undergraduate students who are seeking to define their future through their makings and efforts. I believe that such wholehearted help is what enables the students — including myself — to envision themselves as future helpers for future undergraduates on campus! A message from Erin: I first want to thank you for the generous support that derives not only from your kind hearts but also your wise vision to invest in current scholars willing to make a difference in their generation. While the way forward is not yet defined, the way is first opened due to the financial support we receive. Behind the blood, sweat, and tears of a scholar exists the sacrificial support from the helpers, and financial help is one of the most crucial assistance that students seek amidst the situations they face. I thank you with a genuine heart! Fun Fact: I have lived in four different countries so far!

“The support I receive while pursuing a degree has had an immeasurable impact on not only me, but my family as well. They have been pillars in my personal and professional growth and now, so are you. I want it to be known that your investment in my education is not taken for granted. This privilege empowers me to stay committed to gaining as much knowledge as possible, acquiring meaningful and practical skills, and becoming a dedicated engineer.” Stephanie Moreno-Rivera ’26

DENNY AGUIRE Hometown: New York, NY College: College of Business Major: Accounting Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. My proudest accomplishment so far is having strong knowledge and skills in financial analysis as a freshman. I took it upon myself to teach myself everything I needed to know to successfully give stock recommendations, which aren’t taught at Lehigh until the beginning of sophomore year. As a first-semester freshman, I pitched four stocks to the Investment Management Group (IMG) and landed interviews to join the two portfolios here at Lehigh, which to me is impressive considering my competition had a year or two of more experience than me. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? My aspiration for my career is to break into either business consulting or investment banking. Lehigh has definitely supported me. I have met nothing but friendly alumni and students that are willing to take the time to teach me a thing or two that might help me in achieving my goals. IMG is definitely a club here that has taught me a lot and given me career advice that I am glad to have known early on. I also plan on paying this forward by teaching other students who need help about the different things that Lehigh’s programs and clubs have to offer. A message from Denny: Thank you for allowing me to further my education. I am a first-generation, lowincome student. I know that without the help of the marvelous donors, I wouldn’t be here. Your contribution makes it possible for me to not only advance myself but to uplift other students who might need it now or in the future. The help that I get makes me grateful to the donors, and I know once I am able to, I will pay it forward by donating back to the institution and programs that helped build me up to the young professional that I am now! Fun Fact: I met all of the Impractical Jokers in a restaurant in New York City.

SABATO CORBISIERO Hometown: Franklin Lakes, NJ College: College of Business Major: Accounting Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. In my sophomore year at Lehigh’s College of Business, a standout achievement has been my involvement with Lehigh’s Scholars of Finance. This decision took me outside my comfort zone, but I embraced the challenge and am now proudly serving on the executive board. Through my role, I’ve gained invaluable leadership experience, honed my organizational skills, and cultivated a deeper understanding of finance beyond the classroom. Collaborating with fellow board members has not only enhanced my teamwork abilities but also broadened my perspective on the financial industry’s dynamics. I’ve discovered a whole new avenue of interests and potential career paths that align with my academic pursuits in accounting. Being a part of Scholars of Finance has not only complimented my education but has also provided a platform to connect with professionals in the field. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? Lehigh University’s strategic plan deeply resonates with me. I’m committed to leaving a positive impact on campus by fostering innovation and collaboration. Beyond that, I aspire to bridge accounting and finance to make informed decisions that drive business growth. Lehigh’s robust business education and networking opportunities have reinforced my path. The emphasis on leadership and real-world perspectives has nurtured my drive to make a meaningful contribution. With Lehigh’s support, I’m poised to shape a future that aligns with my passions and amplifies positive change. A message from Sabato: Thank you for your incredible generosity and support through scholarships at Lehigh. Your contributions are making a profound difference in my life and journey toward achieving my goals. Scholarships and financial aid have eased the financial burden on my family, enabling me to pursue higher education at Lehigh. Your investment has granted me the opportunity to focus on my studies and extracurricular activities rather than worrying about the financial aspect. Your kindness has propelled me closer to my aspirations of merging accounting and finance into a dynamic career that creates positive impact. With your backing, I’m not only receiving an education but also gaining the tools and experiences necessary to thrive in my future endeavors. Once again, thank you for your unwavering support. Your belief in my potential motivates me to work harder, dream bigger, and contribute meaningfully to the world around me. Fun Fact: I wrote and directed a short film!

“Being a Lehigh student has exposed me to so many people and opportunities that allow me to grow each day and make me feel so proud. I am extremely thankful to have been given this scholarship, and I plan on continuing to give back to the Lehigh community as it has given me so much.” Andrea Palladino ’26

ZIV ZHENG Hometown: Blackwood, NJ College: College of Business Major: Business Information Systems Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. One of my proudest accomplishments at Lehigh so far was bringing my grades back from the bottom. Being admitted into Lehigh is an honor, but transitioning in was a challenge for me. During my freshman year, I had horrible grades. However, in the second semester, I became aware of my situation and decided to dedicate myself to putting hard work into college. I brought my GPA up and began to make progress toward my degree. I feel like this is one of my proudest accomplishments so far because it’s the first challenge that I overcame, and I developed as an adult who has my own space and time. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? Personally, I believe that everyone is unique and can make different marks on campus. At Lehigh, my aspiration is to be on the dean’s list starting this semester and until graduation. As for my professional career, I aspire to become a successful CPA or an accountant who is well known in the industry, and I hope to help Lehigh students in any reachable situation. Lehigh has supported these aspirations by having really good academic resources for students. Lehigh has also inspired my aspiration to help Lehigh students by providing scholarships that were funded by alumni, which help me with tuition. This form of support inspired me a lot in my hope to return to Lehigh in the future. A message from Ziv: Thank you for the financial help. Being a first-generation student, I started college with no shared experience. Coming into college, I had no scholarship due to my grades and paid nearly full tuition the first year. Before attending this semester, I was thinking about dropping out of college since I could not pay for it, but your support has helped me out with this year’s tuition. I’m able to continue my education at Lehigh University, and it has inspired me to help other Lehigh students. Fun Fact: I can move my ears without touching them!

THERESA TUNESKI Hometown: Rye, NY College: College of Arts and Sciences Major: Architecture Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. My proudest accomplishments at Lehigh have been my active involvement in multiple clubs and the ability to balance this with my academic commitments. One of the most rewarding decisions I made during my freshman year was joining Lehigh’s University Choir. This decision opened doors to other singing clubs and activities in which I am now actively involved. These include being the manager of the Dolce Treble Choir, joining the Off The Record a cappella group, and singing at a local church on Bethlehem’s North Side. These groups have allowed me to follow my passion for music as well as become a more well-rounded student and member of the Lehigh community. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? My biggest goals are to make a significant impact on campus through active involvement and making as many connections as possible. Since starting college, I’ve been dedicated to joining various activities and securing leadership positions in these organizations to demonstrate my commitment to Lehigh. Additionally, I plan to utilize Lehigh’s extensive alumni network to build connections in my chosen field of architecture. Lehigh has inspired me to be a future maker by providing the resources and opportunities I need for success. A message from Theresa: I would like to express my immense gratitude to you for making this scholarship possible. This scholarship has alleviated some financial burdens, allowing me to devote myself fully to my studies and strive for academic excellence. I am fully committed to making the most of this opportunity as it aids me on my path to becoming an architect. Thank you again for your support. Fun Fact: My senior superlative in high school was best dressed.

MEGAN MATTHEWS Hometown: Chester, NJ College: College of Arts and Sciences Major: Behavioral Neuroscience Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. My most incredible accomplishments at Lehigh were during my semester in Ecuador as part of the Lehigh Launch program. Getting accepted into the program has been a huge source of pride for me, but there is something lifechanging about spending the first semester of college in another country. Stepping out of the plane in Quito, I spoke zero Spanish. Halfway through the semester when we stayed in the Amazon rainforest, I was able to interview our indigenous guide about his own experience with different cultures as well as the flora and fauna around us completely in Spanish. This semester was more than just cultural immersion; it was a profound perspective-changing experience. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? The mark I want to leave on campus is one of genuine compassion. Lehigh cares deeply about the well-being of the students, which has set a beautiful example for how I want to be. However, compassion must extend on a smaller scale. It is one thing to have a bold show of kindness by announcing a new project in a mass email, but it sure says a lot about a community’s culture to see how many students will hold the door for another or be a shoulder to cry on for a friend when there is an exam tomorrow morning that they need to study for. I want to challenge the notion that compassion is only worthwhile when it is publicized and that every man must be for himself. To foster a future of compassion, I aspire to lead with compassion — every day and on every scale. A message from Megan: Thank you for everything! Because of your contribution, I was able to go to Lehigh rather than not go to college. I was able to afford the Lehigh Launch program and live in Ecuador for four months, an experience that has changed my life and worldview. I have loved every minute of being in classes. Because of your contribution, I am doing neuroscience research in the Babcock Lab, looking at neurodegenerative diseases. My lifelong goal, which this experience has propelled me towards, is to one day help to cure diseases such as Alzheimer’s and ALS. I cannot express how much this scholarship has made a difference in my life. I’m not sure where I would be without it. Fun Fact: My favorite musician of all time is Noah Kahan.

GABRIELLA VELAZQUEZ Hometown: Frankfort, IL College: College of Arts and Sciences Major: Cognitive Science Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. My proudest accomplishment at Lehigh so far has been succeeding in COGS 007, the Intro to Cognitive Science course. The course was very difficult for me at the beginning, and I failed the first exam. The class was filled with a lot of informational readings, which can be difficult for me. However, I worked really hard in that class. I would spend hours reviewing the material and meeting with other students in the class as well. I went from a 60% on the first exam to an 87% on the second. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? I aspire to work in my own research lab. Lehigh is helping me achieve that by having many research labs that I can work in and get experience from. I am about to start work in the Carlisle Attention and Memory Lab, and I am very excited. I am hoping that working in this lab will solidify my dream to have my own research lab one day. A message from Gabriella: Thank you for the scholarships and financial aid that you have given to me. I appreciate them so greatly, as I would not be able to attend Lehigh without them. My parents can barely contribute money to my education, meaning I have to rely on scholarships and financial aid in addition to taking out many student loans. It is not that my parents don’t want to help; they do, but they are unable to due to our financial situation. All of their income goes into taking care of their children and themselves, paying the bills, and my father’s business. There is not much left over to help me pay for school. Your scholarship is allowing me to come to Lehigh and pursue my dream of becoming a scientist and researcher, and for that I am eternally grateful. Fun Fact: I can play multiple instruments fairly well, and I am self taught on the guitar, bass guitar, and ukulele.

ANDREA PALLADINO Hometown: Staten Island, NY College: College of Arts and Sciences Major: Journalism Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. My proudest accomplishment at Lehigh was being an orientation leader during this school year. It pushed me out of my comfort zone because I had to become a facilitator and mentor, which was a new role for me. I had always known that helping others was something that I was passionate about, but being an orientation leader was extremely rewarding because I was able to share my knowledge about and love for my school. A first-year in my group approached me after orientation and said he felt so grateful I was his leader. I was able to make him feel less nervous and inspired him to apply to become a leader himself for next year. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? I have always felt unsure about my future plans, so I aspire to continue to take classes that are outside my major as well as to join clubs at Lehigh. Doing this helps me continue to discover what my passions are. Finding my likes and dislikes while at Lehigh brings me closer to figuring out what I want my future plans to look like. A message from Andrea: I feel so appreciative to have been awarded a scholarship. Receiving a Lehigh education is a financial sacrifice, but it has also been the most influential part of my life so far. Being a Lehigh student has exposed me to so many people and opportunities that allow me to grow each day and make me feel so proud. I am extremely thankful to have been given this scholarship, and I plan on continuing to give back to the Lehigh community as it has given me so much. Fun Fact: I’m a Swiftie.

NORA KIRBY Hometown: Alexandria, VA College: College of Arts and Sciences Major: Journalism/Science Writing Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. Last fall, I was given the opportunity to write an article for The Brown & White on standards reforms within the Bethlehem Police Department. Not only was I proud of the piece as an academic work, but I also value the experience it gave me. I was able to actively participate on Lehigh’s campus by sharing my research on a topic that impacts students, but additionally I became more acquainted with the Bethlehem community as a whole. I am appreciative that I was able to familiarize myself with the community from a civic perspective. I am proud of the academic output that I produced but overall also in the fact that it allowed me to become a more engaged citizen in a new community that I now call home. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? I intend to make my mark on Lehigh’s campus and beyond through environmental activism. I was particularly inspired to get involved when working with my U.S. Environmental Policy and Law professor, Breena Holland, who has synthesized research on air pollution in Bethlehem and the environmental injustices associated with such an issue. Seeing such active involvement within my own community motivates me to engage with environmental issues in the same fashion by researching problems and investigating solutions. I specifically aspire to get involved with divestment campaigns for fossil fuels. Recently, through Lehigh’s Student Political Action Coalition, I was able to attend the March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City. A message from Nora: I would like to begin by saying thank you and expressing my appreciation. From day one of my college search, Lehigh was the only school that I wanted to go to. It is unique in the fact that it has a Science and Environmental Writing program, which is my dream course of study, as well as being my mom’s alma mater. Hearing about how much my mom loved the school only made me want to attend Lehigh more, putting it at the very top of my list. Initially, we were unsure if that would be possible financially, but because of financial aid and scholarships, I am now studying my passions in a program catered to my academic aspirations and have become a part of the Lehigh community that is now my home. Fun Fact: I’m passionate about music and experiencing live music. I have gone to 23 concerts!

“Scholarships and financial aid have been a game-changer for me here at Lehigh, opening doors to opportunities I might not have dreamed of. Thanks to your support, I am able to fully dive into my studies and engage in all sorts of extracurricular activities that have enriched my college experience.” Eric Nguyen ’26

CAMILLA MORA Hometown: San Francisco, CA College: College of Arts and Sciences Major: Political Science Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. My biggest accomplishment at Lehigh has been taking risks when it comes to what types of classes I’m in. At the beginning, I was very set on studying something in STEM. However, I decided to branch out and take more classes that are in the social sciences. I’ve found many classes that I enjoyed, such as political science, sociology, and environmental science. I’ve also branched out of my comfort zone by joining multiple clubs, such as the Latinx Student Alliance and the Gardening Club. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? As of now I’m still undecided on a major, but I’m leaning towards political science. I came to college thinking of majoring in biology, but my adviser helped me come to the realization that the biology path is not well suited for me. I really enjoy writing and wasn’t sure as to what career path required strong writing skills since a lot of the students that I encounter are STEM majors. I’ve been doing some research, and as of now I’m very interested in going to law school and maybe majoring in political science. A message from Camilla: Being a recipient of this scholarship makes it possible for me to attend this university. It makes it possible for me to come study on the east coast, which was something that I really wanted to do at some point in my life, but I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to afford it. It also relieves stress from my family. Thank you. Fun Fact: I have a pretty extensive CD collection, some of which has been passed down from my dad.

ALLISON CALLAHAN Hometown: Harrington Park, NJ College: College of Arts and Sciences Major: Statistics Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. I think my proudest accomplishment at Lehigh so far has to be my role in the Office of First-Year Experience (OFYE) as an orientation leader. I am not only proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and trying something new, but I am so incredibly happy that I got to help influence the lives of first years during their first few days on campus. It was such a rewarding experience as I was able to be a leader and a friend to new first years who may have needed it the most. Not only am I proud that I led a group of first years, but I pushed my social boundaries and made so many new friendships within the OFYE staff that I intend to keep for the rest of my time at Lehigh and beyond. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? I have lots of inspirations for my future at Lehigh and professional career. I will continue to be a part of the Lehigh OFYE to build connections with my peers and make my mark on the Lehigh campus before I graduate. For my professional future, Lehigh has many opportunities and resources like the career center, which I just recently visited, along with the Handshake website, which has assisted me in searching for internships. Overall, I feel extremely supported by the Lehigh community in pursuing what I want to do after graduation. A message from Allison: Thank you. Scholarships and financial aid make a huge difference in my life and my family’s life. Being in school at the same time as my older brother means my parents have the burden of two college tuitions at the same time. They give as much as they can towards our tuition, as they didn’t get to experience the kind of universities my brother and I do, so they want us to pursue these educations. I also have always wanted to stay in school, so graduate school and possibly even a Ph.D. is in my future. Saving as much as I can to decrease my loans is extremely beneficial to my future. Fun Fact: I have never learned how to whistle.

MAAHI ZAMAN Hometown: Upper Darby, PA College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Bioengineering Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. One of my proudest accomplishments at Lehigh so far is being selected as a TRAC [Technology, Research, & Communications] fellow. Growing up, I was always told by my teachers that my writing was pretty average, and it seemed like I was writing just to get my assignments complete. I began free writing a lot on my own without anyone knowing. I began to find joy in writing. The TRAC selection process began with 450+ nominees and then 123 interviewees. Out of the 123 interviewees, 30 were selected for this year’s incoming group of fellows. I was really proud to get my “Congratulations” email from the department. It felt unreal for a moment; it felt like I finally made it out of the box that I was trapped in early on in my life. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? I think I’ve already begun to make my mark on campus by founding a new cultural club. I’m the founder and president of the Bengali Association of Lehigh University (BALU). Lehigh is home to Bangladeshi students who are active all around campus and now have a hub to meet with one another. Being a Bangladeshi student myself, I feel like we are all such hard workers and involved everywhere. It’s a nice feeling knowing that I’m able to provide a space for everyone to come together and finally turn familiar faces into newfound relationships. A message from Maahi: Thank you so much. Every dollar toward my scholarship makes such a difference for me. I come from a lower-end socioeconomic background. I am a person of color with one working parent in times of financial distress. I feel incredibly blessed to receive multiple scholarships to the point where I am now attending Lehigh for free. I made a vow that I would never take this for granted and tell myself that I was given this for a reason, and I’ll strive for more even when I think there isn’t anything else to do. Fun Fact: I am ambidextrous!

SHANE HAYCOCK Hometown: Glenside, PA College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Chemical Engineering Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. I would say my time as a Global Social Impact Fellow on the “food security for Almaty” team has been the most transformative and rewarding experience of my journey at Lehigh so far. This opportunity not only pushed me far beyond my comfort zone but also equipped me with valuable interdisciplinary skills that I will continue to use for the rest of my personal and professional life. Equipped with a diverse team of fellow students and passionate mentors, we worked to address food security challenges in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The highlight of this journey was receiving the opportunity to travel to Kazakhstan, a place I’d never imagined I would travel to when I enrolled at Lehigh. Throughout this experience, I not only gained a broader perspective on real-world issues, but I also developed my communication, problem solving, and project management skills. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? As a passionate chemical engineering student who is committed to creating a more sustainable future for us all, the new strategic plan resonates deeply with me. I aspire to make my mark by creating sustainable solutions to future world problems despite these issues currently being unknown or unexplored. I intend on furthering my problem-solving skills in a more technical way in the upcoming semesters, as I am hoping to get involved in research that applies chemical engineering techniques to drive a sustainable future. Overall, I intend to make my mark by actively engaging with sustainability efforts on campus and applying my knowledge and passion to create a positive impact both during my time at Lehigh and throughout my professional career. A message from Shane: I want to express sincere gratitude to you for donating these funds and investing in my education. This scholarship will greatly reduce the financial burden on me and my family and allows me to better immerse myself in the Lehigh experience. Without the worry of insurmountable student debt, I feel more comfortable taking on new challenges at Lehigh that I otherwise would not have considered. I know I will make the most of this opportunity and give back to the community, hopefully paying it forward to future Lehigh students. Again, I’d like to thank you for the support in helping me overcome the financial hurdles associated with my education. Fun Fact: I love to hike and play soccer.

CRYSTAL FLORES Hometown: Bethlehem, PA College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Civil Engineering Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. My proudest accomplishment while at Lehigh has been being voted into an executive position for the Marching 97. I’ve been playing saxophone for over a decade, and it has brought me so much joy, so when I was on my college search, I made it a priority that the schools had to have a fun and strong marching band. I love Lehigh, and I love the Marching 97. It is a place where anyone and everyone can be their weird selves and find the kindest people ever. I ran for the instrument manager position, and the moment I knew I had been selected was the best moment so far at Lehigh. The Marching 97 has brought so many smiles and created so many long-lasting friendships. It is an honor to be an executive member this year for the band. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? I am from South Side Bethlehem and honestly love Bethlehem. I hope to eventually raise a family here. I want to improve this town, and being at Lehigh allows me to do this. In the future, I hope to be the owner of my own general construction company. As a female in this field, I hope to be able to employ more females and create a kind and encouraging workplace. Lehigh has been a college where I never felt out of place for my identity, and I hope to be able to create the same space in my future company. A message from Crystal: I am a first-generation Hispanic girl with a dream. I love construction and have chosen a field where there aren’t many people like me. I hope to start my own company that is able to support people like me, and I chose to go to Lehigh even though it was a financial stretch. I want to be the family member who encourages my younger cousins to go to college and follow their dreams even if they are not the norm. I want to just say thank you. It is because of people like you that families are improving and are able to dream big. Thank you for giving me a shot at my dream. Thank you for allowing me to be at Lehigh. Fun Fact: I was in an a cappella group in high school.

TAYLOR GRANT Hometown: Irvington, NJ College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Computer Engineering Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. My proudest achievement so far has been my outgoing nature and particularly stepping outside my comfort zone to join new clubs. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? When I graduate, I would like to start a program that allows kids like me more opportunities in the STEM field. Lehigh has supported my goals by giving me the education to be able to do so. A message from Taylor: Thank you so much. The scholarships and financial aid are the only reasons I am able to attend this school, and I will be forever grateful. Lehigh has been the school I wanted to go to for the past five years since I was a freshman in high school, and because of your generosity I am able to come here. Thank you so much. Fun Fact: I really enjoy building computers, am pretty good at it, and have helped a lot of other people work on theirs.

MONICA FORNASZEWSKI Hometown: Scranton, PA College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Computer Science Describe one of your proudest accomplishments. One of my proudest accomplishments at Lehigh has been excelling in a challenging mathematics course. Despite initial doubts about my abilities, I persevered and dedicated countless hours to mastering the material. In the end, I gained a great understanding of the material and felt very accomplished. This accomplishment taught me the value of determination and hard work and boosted my confidence in tackling difficult academic challenges. It was a significant milestone in my academic journey at Lehigh, and it reaffirmed my confidence in mathematics. Lehigh’s strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, is built upon the notion that “The way forward is not yet defined. The future is ours for the making.” How do you intend to make your mark on campus and beyond? As a computer science major at Lehigh, I’m determined to make my mark on campus and beyond in alignment with the university’s strategic plan. Through coding projects, active engagement in clubs, research exploration, and mentorship, I seek to use my ability in technology to drive positive change. Lehigh’s supportive environment and resources have fueled my aspirations, preparing me to contribute to new developments in computer science. In my professional career, I aim to tackle complex problems and be a future contributor to advancements in technology. A message from Monica: Thank you! Lehigh scholarships and financial aid have been a game-changer for me and my family. They’ve lifted a significant burden off our shoulders, allowing me to fully focus on my education and personal growth. Without this support, pursuing my dreams and academic goals would have been a much tougher journey. Scholarships have not only lightened the financial load but also have motivated me to excel and give back in the future. Fun Fact: I won first place in a reading competition.