2022 Stabler Scholarship Report

LAURA SARY Hometown: Philadelphia, PA College: College of Health Major: Population Health What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? At Lehigh, I’m currently in the Global Citizenship Certificate program where we’re required to do two study abroad trips. Since I plan on being a population health major with a global studies concentration, I really want to travel abroad for experience in a new environment. I want to join more cultural clubs and clubs that explore my hobbies since most of my classes are population health-intensive. After graduation, I want to do field work and research abroad. Taking a health and justice class, which was taught by an environmental scientist who’s also my advisor, made me realize how much I truly care about our environmental health and the state of our health as a population. I want to do more work in terms of the whole population with the environment as one of my main focuses, and I think that doing international work is where my heart is. One of my goals is to make connections through Lehigh with the United Nations. It’s one of the things that drew me to Lehigh in the first place. A message from Laura: Thank you so much for this scholarship! When I saw that I was awarded, I was so shocked and grateful. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, with a single mom who had to take care of my three older siblings alongside me at an older age. At first, my mom was worried that I wouldn’t be able to afford Lehigh, considering my financial background and the cost of being at a prestigious private institution. With this scholarship, I’m able to rest assured that my family wouldn’t have to take on financial burdens to fund my education. I promised them that I’d work hard to maintain the aid that I received, and I would like to extend that promise to you: I’ll continue to work hard with this scholarship as one of my motivators to do well throughout my college career. It means the world to me to receive this scholarship, and my family would like to say thank you as well! Honors and Involvement: Marketing team for The Women’s Network – Lehigh One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Taking selfies with a deer every time I see them on campus!