2022 Stabler Scholarship Report


2021-2022 STABLER SCHOLARSHIP REPORT The Class of 2024’s first year of college was unlike anything they had imagined. They started their lives at Lehigh through a virtual orientation, a de-densified campus, and without so many of the regular face-toface interactions that foster spontaneous conversations and connection. No wonder, then, that so many Stabler Scholars shared that what they most looked forward to was engaging with in-person, fulltime campus learning and living. While they gave much thanks and credit to the professors and Lehigh staff who made remote learning possible during their first year, it was clear they yearned for the full Lehigh experience. It was also clear that the Class of 2024 was ready. They wasted no time upon arrival, joining one or more of Lehigh’s over 200 clubs, intramural sports, and Greek life organizations; diving into rigorous research guided by world-renowned faculty; and landing highly competitive internships at top-tier companies across multiple industries. These dedicated and remarkable students, who persevered and pivoted to virtual life during their first year of college, thrived in their second. Even as sophomores, this was their first year experiencing all that Lehigh offers. These incredible opportunities were made possible in part by the lasting generosity of the late Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler. When so much is uncertain, the Stabler Scholarships offer steady support, providing students with opportunities to develop professionally and personally and engage with the Lehigh community. A Lehigh education prepares them to make an impact beyond their time on campus, to be changemakers in their fields and in the world, and to give back. How do we know? Because in the words of many of this year’s Stabler Scholars, “I can’t wait to give back.” Almost a century after Mr. Stabler graduated, the generosity of the Stablers, and the Stabler Foundation, continues to make a positive impact on hundreds of students each year. Thank you for continuing their legacy of giving back. 132 Number of 2021-22 Stabler Scholars who identify as first-generation college students

STABLER SCHOLAR SPOTLIGHTS “Generous scholarship donations keep me motivated to perform at my best academic and mental level in all aspects of my Lehigh experience, from math to music and back again. Thank you so much for your trust, optimism, and generosity towards the Lehigh community! Jeremy Raecke ’24 ”

NICHOLAS BARROS Hometown: Brockton, MA, and Cape Verde College: Engineering Major: Computer Engineering What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? It’s not clear yet what path I’m going to take when I finish my degree. One of my biggest aspirations is to be able to go back to my country and contribute with the education that I received here in Lehigh. By majoring in computer engineering, I have some ideas of developing software services that provide basic and convenient services that already exist in developed countries such as food delivery, online markets, and car rides. Alternatively, I would love to work in an automobile company or in the robotics field here in the United States. I also plan to take advantage of opportunities such as study abroad, research, and internships while I’m here at Lehigh. A message from Nicholas: Studying in the United States was a career goal that I set for myself. Coming from the third-world country of Cape Verde, my biggest barrier was being able to pay for it. After graduating, I spent two years applying to multiple American universities with the hopes of getting a decent financial aid package. After lots of disappointing offers and negotiations, Lehigh University was my best option financially and academically, even though it was still a stretch for my family. For this year, my Pell Grant got reduced, so my parents told me they would no longer be able to afford my tuition for the upcoming years. I started to consider other options, but with hopes of reducing my costs and staying in Lehigh, I applied for the Gryphon position. Getting the job and receiving your scholarship and other grants has greatly reduced my costs for this year. I no longer have to worry about the cost of my education, and it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It is happily and deeply that I express my gratitude for your generosity. Thank you. Honors and Involvement: Dean’s List, Gryphon One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Drive the Lehigh Formula SAE car in Michigan.

ELI BRENNAN Hometown: Pottsville, PA College: College of Business Major: Finance What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? I hope to graduate with honors and complete my dual degree in CSB (computer science and business) and finance. I hope to rise to positions of distinction in the clubs that I love and pursue internships during my time at Lehigh. After graduating, I hope to start a career and help provide for my family while also making a positive impact in the world. Lehigh has been a godsend for all of this; time and time again, this school has helped me build and grow as a person toward my future and career. The College of Business has helped me build professional skills, taught me how to network, and provided a plethora of opportunities for me to pursue. The staff in the Office of Fellowship Advising and the Center Career and Professional Development have especially contributed to my development here. A message from Eli: I am a triplet, the oldest son of two working mothers. In between high school, work, athletics, and clubs, I studied hard in order to do the best I could in school and on the SATs. When I got accepted to Lehigh, I was overjoyed but still hesitant. Lehigh was outside the reach of my family’s financial means, especially as a triplet with two other siblings attending college. I still remember the moment my mother told me we could afford enrollment, with scholarship support; that was undeniably one of the happiest moments of my life. I love this school, and my time here has improved me forever; I have met wonderful friends and faculty members, and I have made memories that I will never forget. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank everyone that has and continues to make my journey here possible. Truly, thank you. Honors and Involvement: Lehigh University Quiz Bowl Team Membership Chair One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Sitting in a hammock and reading on the Front Lawn.

I still remember the moment my mother told me we could afford enrollment, with scholarship support; that was undeniably one of the happiest moments of my life. I love this school, and my time here has improved me forever; I have met wonderful friends and faculty members, and I have made memories that I will never forget. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank everyone that has and continues to make my journey here possible. Eli Brennan ’24 “ ”

ANNA DONOVAN Hometown: Needham Heights, MA College: College of Arts & Sciences Major: Behavioral Neuroscience What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? On campus, my goal is to become involved in research that I am passionate about. In particular, I find the Regen Research Group extremely fascinating. I would love to participate in their research regarding lipids and membranes and connecting those findings to biology and medicine. My ultimate goal is to become a pediatric neurologist with a focus on epilepsy. My biggest supporter in this goal has been my biology professor from my second semester of freshman year, Professor Tartaglia. He had each student write a trajectory of their goals, both within and beyond Lehigh, and how to reach them. It was through that assignment that I truly realized the immense work that was required to become a doctor. This realization did not scare me, but rather, it propelled me to do everything in my power to ensure that I am more than ready for each obstacle that comes my way in pursuit of my dreams. Because of him, I intend to join Lehigh’s EMS program and volunteer at St. Luke’s Hospital. I am confident that I will be a strong candidate for medical schools and reach my ultimate goal of becoming a doctor. A message from Anna: I am so grateful for your generous scholarship. Because of you, I am able to afford a prestigious education. Without this assistance, I do not know if this would be possible due to my family’s financial status. My entire life, I have known I was meant to be a doctor and to help kids in need. It was not until I was diagnosed with epilepsy at sixteen that I knew neurology was my specific path. There is nothing in this world I want to do more than prove to my future patients that a neurological disorder is simply an obstacle, and it does not define who you are. I knew Lehigh was the school for me because of its academic rigor and research opportunities. You have played a significant role in my education and have become a helping hand that will get me one step closer to my dream of becoming a doctor. Thank you for your generosity. Honors and Involvement: Dean’s List, Orientation Leader, Media Manager for Taylor Gym One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Graduating cum laude!

TESSA DOUGAN Hometown: Nantucket, MA College: College of Arts & Sciences Major: Environmental Studies What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? I feel that Lehigh has so many great opportunities; I am still trying to navigate and take advantage of as many as I can! On campus, I am a part of the EcoRepresentative program at Lehigh, where we aim to spread the message of sustainability to our campus. Along with this, I am the vice president of the Belly Dancing Club, a club I never saw myself joining but has shown to be a healthy challenge between organizing, choreographing, and leading the club. I am unsure where my education will bring me in the future, but I know the opportunities here will lead me to experiences that might direct my path more. A message from Tessa: I seriously cannot begin to thank you enough for this opportunity. I don’t come from a money-fortunate family, and I know there are so many other kids like me who need the support but oftentimes can’t get it. I recognize the luck I have in attending an institution like Lehigh without it making a major impact on my family’s budget or my future income. People should embrace their experiences in life rather than stress about the money, and you let us do that. So, thank you! Honors and Involvement: Belly Dance Club Vice President, EcoRep One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Get an off-campus house with my friends (and get a mini pig).

AISHA TOURÉ Hometown: Willingboro, NJ College: College of Arts & Sciences Major: Political Science What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? Postgraduation, I have my mind set on attending law school. Past that, while I know that I want to be a practicing attorney, what type has become less clear to me over time. I thought I wanted to be a district attorney, but I think I am orienting myself more towards youth advocacy for children with special needs in the foster care system. I am looking forward to my first public policy and mock trial courses at Lehigh. A message from Aisha: My mother was involved in a vehicular accident that left her with chronic pain for the past couple of years. This year, she was finally able to get corrective surgery to help her to walk, but because of that, she’s unable to go to work while she’s in recovery. This scholarship gives her one less thing to worry about while I’m away at school and lets her focus on getting better so she can get back to her life. Thank you. Honors and Involvement: Intern for Judge Maria McLaughlin, Dean’s List One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Cheerleading at a Lehigh football game that we win!

LAURYN HOLGADO Hometown: Bala Cynwyd, PA College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Chemical Engineering What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? On campus, through research, I learned not only how a lab runs, but also grew my knowledge in the field of antibiotic resistance, outer membrane vesicles, and how many subjects apply to chemical engineering. This is the reason I came to Lehigh. I want to be on the edge of scientific breakthroughs and do experiments that have never been done before. This past summer, I enhanced my career goals and path after graduation. I am now a member of the Eckardt Scholars Program in the College of Arts and Sciences. This allows me to have flexibility in my schedules, and I am able to pursue a dual degree in chemical engineering and chemistry. My advisors and mentors at Lehigh helped me to create a plan to achieve everything I want to do within the four years I am here. My professors encourage me to do my best and give me every opportunity to succeed. I am excited to work with my two new advisors for the Eckardt Scholars Program and for my second B.S. degree in chemistry. After graduation, I hope to attend graduate school and earn my Ph.D. There are so many faculty members at Lehigh to guide me through this process. I am thrilled at the opportunities I have at Lehigh and beyond. A message from Lauryn: Thank you for supporting my educational journey. I am grateful for your generosity and belief in the students of Lehigh. I want you to know that I do not go to classes just to complete assignments and receive high marks, but to build a foundation of knowledge that I can use in the future to change the world. I value my education, and knowing there are people like you who support students like me gives me even more motivation to do more, learn more, and experience more while I am here. Without your generosity, I would not be here to experience the wonderful people, opportunities, and knowledge Lehigh has to offer. I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am for your help. Thank you. Honors and Involvement: Dean’s List, Eckardt Scholar, Research (Brown Lab), Eco-Rep One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Graduate cum laude.

“I value my education, and knowing there are people like you who support students like me gives me even more motivation to do more, learn more, and experience more while I am here. Without your generosity, I would not be here to experience the wonderful people, opportunities, and knowledge Lehigh has to offer. Lauryn Holgado ’24 ”

MIKA KIZUKA Hometown: Reading, PA College: Intercollegiate Major: IDEAS (Integrated Degree in Engineering, Arts and Sciences) What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? I look forward to taking advantage of one of Lehigh’s master’s programs after I graduate! Because I will be graduating from Lehigh’s IDEAS program with concentrations in mechanical engineering, computer science, and product design, I will have a large scope of knowledge that I plan to use as a project manager. This is why I look forward to either enrolling in the management master’s program or the technical entrepreneurship master’s program! Lehigh has definitely reinforced these aspirations by having supportive faculty and advisors who are willing to answer all of my questions for future education plans (even if I am looking a bit ahead!). A message from Mika: Thank you so much for this scholarship. Lehigh has been in my family for quite some years, and I am so excited that I am able to continue the Lehigh legacy! I am so glad that I have support from donors such as you to allow me to make an impact on the Lehigh campus while also paving my way to my future career. So, once again, thank you for supporting me and allowing me to continue the Lehigh and the Mountain Hawk (and Engineers) legacy! Honors and Involvement: Rossin Fellow, Drumline Leader, Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Shop Leader, Dean’s List One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: To not be winded after walking up to my dorm after classes!

JUAN MATA Hometown: Houston, TX College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Mechanical Engineering What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? I was given the opportunity to do a work study, and during a work-study fair, I found Design Labs, which is part of the Powerhouse. I applied, and I was accepted to work there. I like having hands-on experiences, and working at Design Labs, I know that I get to do what I love to do. Working there will also give me a sense of home: at home, I used to work with my dad, and we were always working with our hands. By participating in Design Labs, I will get a sense of belonging here at Lehigh. I plan on majoring in mechanical engineering, and I hope to have a good connection with those professors. I aspire to one day work with a company as a mechanical engineer. A message from Juan: I am very grateful for what I have received, not only the scholarships, but also the opportunities that have been given to me. Coming from parents that never went to school, I never thought that I would be able to leave my state and study at a place like Lehigh. One of my dreams has always been to give my parents the chance to see one of their children walk across the stage to receive their college degree. Now I have the chance to make that dream come true, and for that, and for the opportunity to be here, I will forever be grateful. Thank you so much. Honors and Involvement: Recipient of the Bilingual International Business Diploma One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: I look forward to having fun in the snow.

One of my dreams has always been to give my parents the chance to see one of their children walk across the stage to receive their college degree. Now I have the chance to make that dream come true, and for that, and for the opportunity to be here, I will forever be grateful. Juan Mata ’24 “ ”

NAHJIAH MILLER Hometown: Philadelphia, PA College: College of Arts & Sciences Major: Journalism What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? When I applied to Lehigh, I had one major set in mind: journalism. Journalism has become something I adored and desired to work in during my journey at Lehigh, and I was more than determined to pursue it. But that goal slowly began to fade away throughout my first semester. It was tough since I was online my whole freshmen year, and I found myself asking: “Is this really what I want? Could I make a career out of this? Am I on the wrong track?” Had it not been for my counselor, I would not be here. Mariana De Maio has been someone I could depend on when I have concerns and questions, and when I felt unsure about my path, she made me realize how important my role is as a journalist. Ms. DeMaio and my classes have not only helped make me admire journalism more than I ever have, but also see that I have an important role as a BIPOC when entering this field. A message from Nahjiah: “Thank you” is not enough to describe how appreciative I am of this scholarship. As a recipient, this scholarship has allowed me to connect with people who look just like me and see that I’m not alone in this. Not only that, but as a first-gen student that comes from a family where funding college isn’t plausible, this scholarship has relieved that stress from my shoulders. My dream has always been to graduate from college, so to receive this scholarship that takes me a step closer to my dream makes me happy. I am so grateful for this scholarship. Honors and Involvement: Technology, Research, and Communication (TRAC) Fellowship nominee One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Build a community.

OLUWAFUNMBI OJO Hometown: McDonough, GA College: College of Arts & Sciences Major: Behavioral Neuroscience What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? On campus, there are multiple clubs that I lead that I plan to get more students involved in, to help them with both academic and social passions. I also plan to study abroad, so I would like to be fluent in Chinese, especially since I’ve taken the classes since freshman year of high school. I also want to be able to make an impact on the younger students coming in after me, which is why I value my mentorship role as an LU Student Scholars Institute (LUSSI) student guide. I see a future career in medicine with a focus on neuroscience, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. As a student in STEM at Lehigh, I became involved in RARE, which gave me the opportunity to work over the summer on a research program, STEM-SI. I was able to investigate research topics that interested me and display the potential I had in the research field of science. It allowed me to understand the different options I have in the STEM field. I aspire to be a doctor with excellent clinical skills while embodying the ideals of equity, diversity, and equality. I believe that my presence in the medical field would bring diversity – something greatly needed in the field of STEM today, because it helps promote total inclusion of talent and excellence in various areas of the workforce. I plan to work with the youth and children of my community to show them what structures can be put in place to help them engage in different forms of learning, particularly in the STEM field, especially in a low-income society where students continuously face challenges in achieving greater heights due to the lack of resources and educational opportunities. A message from Oluwafunmbi: I am honored to be one of the recipients of this scholarship. Thanks to your generous support, I am able to stay at Lehigh. My family has been facing a financial crisis, and they weren’t able to pay all of my fees for school. Receiving this scholarship helps them, and it allows me to be able to get my education and fulfill my academic goal. Growing up in a low-income household has allowed me to realize the value of a college education. Thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness, and God bless you. Honors and Involvement: Rapidly Accelerated Research Experience (RARE), Lehigh University Student Scholars Institute (LUSSI) Guide, Eco-Rep Leader, STEM-SI, Lehigh University Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (LU-MAPS) E-board One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Graduating with honors, a double major, and a double minor.

LAURA SARY Hometown: Philadelphia, PA College: College of Health Major: Population Health What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? At Lehigh, I’m currently in the Global Citizenship Certificate program where we’re required to do two study abroad trips. Since I plan on being a population health major with a global studies concentration, I really want to travel abroad for experience in a new environment. I want to join more cultural clubs and clubs that explore my hobbies since most of my classes are population health-intensive. After graduation, I want to do field work and research abroad. Taking a health and justice class, which was taught by an environmental scientist who’s also my advisor, made me realize how much I truly care about our environmental health and the state of our health as a population. I want to do more work in terms of the whole population with the environment as one of my main focuses, and I think that doing international work is where my heart is. One of my goals is to make connections through Lehigh with the United Nations. It’s one of the things that drew me to Lehigh in the first place. A message from Laura: Thank you so much for this scholarship! When I saw that I was awarded, I was so shocked and grateful. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, with a single mom who had to take care of my three older siblings alongside me at an older age. At first, my mom was worried that I wouldn’t be able to afford Lehigh, considering my financial background and the cost of being at a prestigious private institution. With this scholarship, I’m able to rest assured that my family wouldn’t have to take on financial burdens to fund my education. I promised them that I’d work hard to maintain the aid that I received, and I would like to extend that promise to you: I’ll continue to work hard with this scholarship as one of my motivators to do well throughout my college career. It means the world to me to receive this scholarship, and my family would like to say thank you as well! Honors and Involvement: Marketing team for The Women’s Network – Lehigh One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Taking selfies with a deer every time I see them on campus!

JENNAH ABDELAZIZ Hometown: Allentown, PA College: College of Arts & Sciences Major: Behavioral Neuroscience What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? My aspirations are not set in stone, as there is so much that I don’t know about. As of right now, I am really shooting for working in the medical field. This will provide me an outlet to contribute to the community I live in and provide assistance to those around me – both old and new faces. Lehigh has reinforced these aspirations by providing the necessary resources needed to succeed, as well as glimpses of life as a premed/med student. A message from Jennah: Thank you for contributing to my education. Being a first-generation student is difficult, but with people who actively give back to the community that once elevated them, I am able to pursue my ambitions without so much financial stress. I hope to contribute the same way you have in the near future. Honors and Involvement: Dean’s List One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Participate in the annual bed races. Being a first-generation student is difficult, but with people who actively give back to the community that once elevated them, I am able to pursue my ambitions without so much financial stress. “ ”

RAZAN ANTAR Hometown: Allentown, PA College: College of Arts & Sciences Major: Behavioral Neuroscience What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? For my Lehigh career, all I want to do is do well, give it my all, and graduate. After Lehigh, I want to go to medical school and become a pediatrician. Although Lehigh is an academically rigorous school, completing the majority of my pre-med courses has made me feel more confident and prepared for the future, thanks to the outstanding teaching faculty. A message from Razan: Thank you so much for your generosity and donations to students like myself. I am a first-generation student in a low-income family. It is quite difficult for my family to financially support me. Since I was in high school, I’ve worked full-time and part-time jobs to help support my family financially. Because I don’t want my family to pay for any of my education costs, I try to work long hours to support myself. Therefore, your scholarship means a lot to me, and I’m grateful for it. I hope that one day I will be able to give back to students that share the same background as me. Thank you very much. Honors and Involvement: Pre-Med Club, Minority Association of Pre-Med Students One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Participating in research.

‘Thank you’ is not enough to describe how appreciative I am of this scholarship. As a recipient, this scholarship has allowed me to connect with people who look just like me and see that I’m not alone in this. Not only that, but as a first-gen student that comes from a family where funding college isn’t plausible, this scholarship has relieved that stress from my shoulders. My dream has always been to graduate college, so to receive this scholarship that takes me a step closer to my dream makes me happy. Nahjiah Miller ’24 “ ”

ATHENA CAI Hometown: Madisonville, LA College: Intercollegiate Major: Computer Science & Business What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? On campus, I’m excited to be on the e-board for the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE ) and Asian Cultural Society (ACS). I plan on becoming a software engineer. Lehigh’s Computer Science and Business (CSB) program really helps me toward my career goal. I plan on attending the Lehigh in Prague summer program in the future in order to study while having an internship in the summer. A message from Athena: Thank you for this opportunity. I would not have been able to come to Lehigh without your generosity. I appreciate it, and giving back to Lehigh is one of my top goals. Honors and Involvement: Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE ) and Asian Cultural Society (ACS) e-board member, International Orientation Leader One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Go to the Bethlehem Star.

GABRIEL COLON SIERRA Hometown: Philadelphia, PA College: College of Arts & Sciences Major: Undeclared What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? I look forward to becoming a criminal profiler which will allow me to contribute to the change in our law enforcement. Hopefully, I will be able to transform how our institutions are supposed to serve the community. Serving the community is exactly what they were created for, and I want to break down the existing inequalities for people of color. A message from Gabriel: Your scholarship will allow me to grow within the Lehigh community and attain my career goals that will enable me to make a difference in our American institutions for the better of the people. Thank you for that opportunity to help and to contribute to my country’s future. Honors and Involvement: Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Penn Law Program One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Eating some delicious pizza from Rathbone with my friends.

Y LAM Hometown: Reading, PA College: College of Arts & Sciences Major: Art What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? Lehigh University offers the elementary and secondary education accelerated master’s program, which allows me to only need one year after graduating to obtain my master’s in education. This program is one of the main reasons why I chose Lehigh. As an aspiring secondary level art teacher, this program will set me on a more concrete path, and I feel less nervous about my future. Furthermore, I look forward to working with the faculty at Lehigh’s department of art, architecture, and design. I have had amazing experiences with my art classes, and I admire the efforts of all of the art professors I have had. Finally, I plan to participate in the projects held at Mountaintop and to continue my work-study position at Zoellner. I feel the most productive every time I am on shift. A message from Y: To receive this scholarship is incredible. The ability to afford tuition is daunting and a constant stressor I have. It is easy for a student to be deterred and set back by financial struggles, thus making the college journey much more difficult. Yet, amazingly, there are people willing to help and reduce those stressors. Without your help, I would not be able to attend and flourish in Lehigh’s setting. For that, I want to thank you for your generosity and meaningful support. I am honored to be a recipient. Honors and Involvement: Dean’s List One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Try every restaurant in the local Bethlehem area.

JEREMY RAECKE Hometown: Leesburg, VA College: College of Arts & Sciences Major: Mathematics What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? I aspire to make all A’s and reach the Dean’s List! I’m very interested in a researchtype field in either mathematics or economics or a possible blend of the two. That may be a mathematician, a cryptographer, a data analyst/scientist, or anything else, but Lehigh lets me keep those options open. Lehigh also makes it possible to not leave one of my favorite passions, music, behind. I have the wonderful opportunity to work with Professor Napier as my non-major advisor, which is beneficial as I’m a math major, and he was my first math professor here. Professor Diggs also allows me to become more involved in the music department and its many ensembles. A message from Jeremy: Generous scholarship donations keep me motivated to perform at my best academic and mental level in all aspects of my Lehigh experience, from math to music and back again. Thank you so much for your trust, optimism, and generosity towards the Lehigh community! Honors and Involvement: Marching 97 Exec, Kappa Kappa Psi KG chapter, OACC member One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: All A’s for the rest of undergrad and become the Manager/ Drum major of the 97.

DAPHNE OCHOA HERNANDEZ Hometown: Norwalk, CT College: College of Arts & Sciences Major: Psychology What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? With academics, I am very interested in organic chemistry, genetics, psychology, and public health. Being a pre-med student, I hope to not only get good grades in these classes, but I am looking forward to learning the information and skills that will help me in my future. My goal at Lehigh is to get more involved in student life and gain research experience that will help prepare me for life after graduation. After graduation, I am planning on either going to physician assistant school or medical school. I know I want to work in pediatrics in the medical field, and I think that Lehigh will allow me to explore my options and guide me to make a good choice. I am majoring in psychology, and I have always wanted to work side by side with a professor on research; I knew Lehigh University was a place that would allow me to accomplish that. Whether in the spring semester or next year, I am looking forward to getting more involved with research. Lehigh University Student Scholars Institute (LUSSI) has been a program that has helped me navigate the transition from high school to college, and I am very grateful for it. A message from Daphne: Thank you so much for all your help and support. I appreciate it very much. I would not be at Lehigh University without the amazing support I have received. Everything I am doing here at Lehigh and am planning to accomplish is possible due to the financial help I have received. I really would not have been able to come to a school like Lehigh without the financial aid I have been receiving. I feel like not only is your support helping me right now, but it is also contributing to my future aspirations. I am very grateful to be here at Lehigh and to be able to graduate with many doors open to succeed in life after Lehigh. Honors and Involvement: Director of Student Outreach for F1RST (First-Generation Initiative Represented by Students & Teachers), Dean’s List One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Hiking up to see the Bethlehem star!

SOPHIA MEAGHER Hometown: Miami, FL College: College of Arts & Sciences Major: Undeclared What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? I look forward to earning a graduate degree and then going on to have a successful career in business. I am considering finance or e-commerce with an understanding and background of computer science, so that I can influence program development through a business lens. In order to achieve these goals, I look forward to staying connected with the computer science team and professors who are teaching me so much, as well as growing my network within the business school. As a member of the women’s volleyball team, I am also excited to play and hopefully win a Patriot League tournament. A message from Sophia: Thank you does not even begin to express the gratitude for your generosity. I sincerely appreciate your donation to this scholarship fund so that I may continue to pursue my passion for volleyball, making the Lehigh community proud, both on and off the court. Because of you, I can pursue my academic aspirations to be a successful person. One day, hopefully, I can also give back to this school that has given me so much thus far. I am honored and ever so grateful! Honors and Involvement: Volleyball Team, COACH program One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: See the Bethlehem Star!

Generous scholarship donations keep me motivated to perform at my best academic and mental level in all aspects of my Lehigh experience, from math to music and back again. Thank you so much for your trust, optimism, and generosity towards the Lehigh community! Jeremy Raecke ’24 “ ”

PEARL LEE Hometown: Honolulu, HI College: College of Arts & Sciences Major: Behavioral Neuroscience What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? At Lehigh, I would like to do well in my studies and prepare myself for medical school to eventually become a surgeon. Lehigh has impacted these aspirations by providing a lot of opportunities and knowledge necessary for me to be successful on this career path. Additionally, I have met a lot of peer mentors as well as professionals who I can rely on for help. A message from Pearl: Thank you so much for this scholarship. Coming from a poorer household in Hawaii, I worried a lot about financial support at Lehigh. However, this scholarship has allowed me to focus more on my studies and motivate me to keep working toward the path I want to achieve. Honors and Involvement: Dean’s List, Asian Cultural Society (ACS) Treasurer, Lehigh University American Medical Student Association (LUAMSA) Social Media Officer One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Hiking to the Bethlehem Star.

DANIEL FERNANDEZ Hometown: Chicago, IL College: College of Business Major: Undeclared What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? In my first year, Lehigh gave me a new perspective of learning. Taking classes that are setting me up for my future is something I value. I enjoyed my classes this past year because most of them had something to do with my business major. I was also involved in clubs such as LUSSI and F1SRT. These programs guided me to becoming a better person and overall student because I saw firsthand how people from backgrounds similar to mine were able to achieve their goals at Lehigh. A message from Daniel: The difference you have made for my family and I simply cannot be put into words. The aid I receive is tremendous, and I will forever be thankful. Being a first-generation student, I know a college education will change my life, especially earning a degree from Lehigh University. Your generosity has had a great impact on me, and I strive so that one day I can also help people that come from similar backgrounds. Thank you. Honors and Involvement: Community Service Volunteer, Dean’s List, Lehigh University Student Scholars Institute (LUSSI) One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Making the soccer team as a walk-on.

The difference you have made for my family and I simply cannot be put into words. The aid I receive is tremendous, and I will forever be thankful. Being a first-generation student, I know a college education will change my life, especially earning a degree from Lehigh University. Your generosity has had a great impact on me, and I strive so that one day I can also help people that come from similar backgrounds. Daniel Fernandez ’24 “ ”

STEPHANIE DO Hometown: Breinigsville, PA College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Computer Science (EN) What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? When I was first accepted into Lehigh, I had a very vague idea of what I wanted to do with my life; I didn’t know where or how far I wanted to go with my passions or potential career paths. Being at Lehigh has helped me solidify what areas I want to dive deeper into. I’m looking forward to classes that will further drive my interests and possibly participating in some long-term programs and research. I joined the Formula SAE racing team on campus. I am very interested in manufacturing and machining parts for the car, which connects to my work-study as a monitor in the Packard Machine Shop. Getting the practical experience of engineering design and implementation is something I have been longing for since last year. Since I want to meet and work with more engineers on real-world problems, Formula is a perfect fit. I look forward to entering the “real world” with all the knowledge I have gained in my college years with the hope I can look back on them fondly. A message from Stephanie: Receiving this scholarship has lightened the financial burden on my parents, which has allowed them to relax a little for my sake. Thank you for allowing this opportunity to happen. Your generosity is something I am grateful for, in that I will be able to focus on my studies more and be able to better enjoy my time at Lehigh. This scholarship has inspired and pushed me to do better in my academics; it has also helped me envision the rest of my time at Lehigh as well as past my graduation into my career. I cannot thank you enough. Honors and Involvement: Asian Cultural Society (ACS), Southeast Asia at Lehigh (SEAL), Coders Community, Board Game Club, Volunteer One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Graduate with some form of honors. Receiving this scholarship has lightened the financial burden on my parents, which has allowed them to relax a little. “ ”

ALEXANDER TRAN Hometown: Roslyn Heights, NY College: College of Health Major: Undeclared What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? After graduation, I’m looking forward to developing my career in my field of interest via continued education and hands-on work in the field. As of now, my aspirations are still very general and have not yet been boiled down to a single career path. A message from Alexander: Scholarship donors make it possible for students like myself to attend a school like Lehigh. The opportunities that I have been presented with since I’ve been here are beyond what I could have ever expected. I am extremely grateful. Thank you. Honors and Involvement: Dean’s List One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Graduating cum laude.

SAM BRENDE Hometown: Erie, CO College: College of Health Major: Population Health What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? I aspire to be a contributing member of my community and leader for my peers both at Lehigh and throughout my journey to become a competent and capable physician. A message from Sam: My time at Lehigh is possible only while my family’s finances are stable. Without your scholarship, my family would not be able to support my education at Lehigh. Studying here is a privilege. Thank you for granting me that privilege! Honors and Involvement: Gryphon Society, Peer Health Advisor, St. Luke’s Volunteer One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: Achieving a 3.9 GPA.

HUDA HAGOS Hometown: Philadelphia, PA College: Intercollegiate Major: Undeclared What aspirations do you have for your Lehigh career and beyond? How has Lehigh impacted and/or reinforced those aspirations? Lehigh has allowed me to broaden my experience in terms of academics and the future. I’m a part of the TRAC program, which allows me to not only improve my writing, but help others do the same, teaching the importance of writing in everything we do, even beyond school. I’ve also gotten to take classes that I never thought I would be taking and have interesting discussions. The clubs that I have joined have allowed me to meet so many new people and learn from them and their experiences. A message from Huda: Thank you for this scholarship. It helps me further my education and attend Lehigh. It has helped me focus on my studies and college as a whole by helping me close my gap. Because of this scholarship, I didn’t have to take an outside job to help cover my college costs or take out loans that I wouldn’t be able to pay back for years, adding to the student loan debt that plagues most college students in America. Thank you for your commitment to Lehigh and its students. Honors and Involvement: Chair of Internal Affairs for ASA (Association of Student Alumni), Dean’s List, TRAC Program (Technology, Research, and Communication) One thing on my Lehigh bucket list: An all-nighter in FML with friends.

2021-2022 STABLER SCHOLARS Support from the Stabler Scholarship is an enduring resource that impacts the lives of so many Lehigh students. Each path leading to and through Lehigh’s campus carves new possibilities of discovery — from tactile labs to critical thinking in the humanities. Whether they are on campus or fully remote across the United States and beyond, Stabler Scholars find ways to persevere and to thrive. Your support contributes to their growth and success. 403 Stabler Scholarship recipients 75 College of Business 151 College of Arts and Sciences 120 P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science 6 College of Health 51 Interdisciplinary

Student Name Hometown Major Jennah Abdelaziz Allentown, PA Behavioral Neuroscience Elyse Paige Adamo Fleetwood, PA Computer Science Afiwa Flora Afandalo Bronx, NY Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies and Africana Studies Shahood Ahmad Hewlett, NY Computer Science Sebirya Kamil Ahmed Arlington, VA Computer Science & Business Irem Akyildiz Bethlehem, PA Industrial & Systems Engineering Martina Albin Dorchester, MA Journalism Anthony Alexandrov Rutherford, NJ Undeclared Andrew Michael Alikakos West Chester, PA Undeclared Patrick Jae Yong Alto Warren, NJ Computer Science & Business Frederick Amato Saint Johns, FL Undeclared Rianna L. Ambosie Mountain Top, PA Biology Tommy Anderson Bethlehem, PA Political Science and Philosophy Emma Cubberley Anderson Clinton, NJ Bioengineering Razan Antar Bethlehem, PA Behavioral Neuroscience Amir Julian Arnold Newark, NJ Undeclared Papa Kofi Asibuo Kent, WA Computer Science Renae N. Austin Clifton, NJ Undeclared Marcela Avans Hilton Head Island, SC Undeclared Nalan Aydin Pittsburgh, PA Behavioral Neuroscience Emma Katherine Babula Pottstown, PA Molecular Biology Sean Gabriel Bachman Mohnton, PA Computer Science Edenne Megan Andres Baguso Captain Cook, HI Undeclared Jeremy Baidoo New York, NY Civil Engineering Brianna Banful Brooklyn, NY Journalism Madison Grace Marie Banks Perkasie, PA Statistics Benjamin Liam Banks-Altekruse Berkeley, CA Undeclared Joseph Karmah Barbu Orange, NJ Computer Engineering Leia Gwendolyn Barnes San Leandro, CA Earth & Environmental Science Nicholas Morais Barros Jacksonville, FL Computer Engineering Mary Elizabeth Bartiromo Long Valley, NJ Undeclared Sophia Barton Egg Harbor Township, NJ Psychology Jaye Victoria Bates Amityville, NY Journalism Skye Ann Bates Amityville, NY Psychology Georgia Gertrude Becker Rockville, MD Biology Kadin Edward Becker Manheim, PA Computer Science Kai’Imi Tai Tralee Beck-Valeros Kailua Kona, HI Civil Engineering Talia Rose Beech West Newbury, MA Mechanical Engineering

Student Name Hometown Major Nicholas Albert Beetel Jackson, NJ Computer Science & Business Albin Wladimir Beltran Newark, NJ Architecture Rafael Bermudez Winston Salem, NC Architecture Madison Elaina Bershefsky Factoryville, PA Undeclared Brooke Hewitt Bingo Boynton Beach, FL International Relations Kaleb JohnBorkowski Mickleton, NJ Chemical Engineering Kyra Ruth Boston Camp Hill, PA Civil Engineering Daniel Joseph Brecht Franklin, MA Finance and Accounting Samuel Christopher Brende Erie, CO Population Health Eli Boyd Brennan Pottsville, PA Finance Matthew John Brock Schwenksville, PA Undeclared Luke A. Brodersen Willow Street, PA Computer Science Amber Nicole Brose Shrewsbury, PA Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies and Political Science Owen William Brown Hershey, PA Industrial & Systems Engineering Ryan Thomas Bruce Valley Stream, NY Civil Engineering Genesis Eve Bruncaj Union City, NJ Undeclared Savannah Buffington Cleveland, TN Political Science and Art Riley G. Burke Bethlehem, PA Industrial & Systems Engineering Luis Manuel Caceres Bronx, NY Biology Omar Eduardo Camacho Grand Prairie, TX Undeclared Gustavo Miranda Cantagallo New Bedford, MA Computer Science & Business Caleigh Elizabeth Cantalupo Wading River, NY Mechanical Engineering Jessica Zulay Cantos Brooklyn, NY Psychology Alyssa Rose Caroselli East Brunswick, NJ Computer Science & Business Caroline Frances Casey Brightwaters, NY Architecture Keagan Patrick Casey Leominster, MA International Relations & Economics Karam Chakif Allentown, PA Chemical Engineering Hua Jia Chen Lucedale, MS Computer Science & Business Karina Chen Union City, NJ Undeclared Alice Chen Stroudsburg, PA Biochemistry Andy Giabao Chung Whitehall, PA Undeclared Nina Rose Cialone Bayville, NY Political Science and Cognitive Science Michael Arlan Cleaveland Fleetwood, PA Electrical Engineering Henry Thomas Collins Billerica, MA Psychology Gabriel Ivan Colon Sierra Philadelphia, PA Undeclared Karla Contreras Bronx, NY Psychology Emily Coplin Newark, NJ Architecture

Student Name Hometown Major Kelsey Ryan Corbett Island Heights, NJ Undeclared Hannah Arinda Corea-Dilbert Nashville, TN Psychology Donald Charles Cory Nashville, TN Physics Ryanne Elizabeth Cox Gorham, ME Computer Science Nolan Michael Cremi Douglassville, PA Chemical Engineering Nessia Chaya Crispe Danby, VT Psychology Daniel Edward Croll Rochester, NY Finance Alexander Bryce Cubbage Cape Coral, FL Computer Science Carley Marie Cumba Ridgewood, NJ Undeclared Todd Andrew Cummings Sparta, NJ Bioengineering Devin Joseph Dabagian Upper Darby, PA Chemical Engineering Megha Dania Austin, TX Computer Science & Business Anushka Dania Austin, TX Computer Science & Business Henry Danon Downingtown, PA Computer Science & Business Arlan James Dawdy Dyer, IN Computer Science & Business Kevsergul Dayi Whitehall, PA Biochemistry Jessica De Los Santos Dallas, TX Electrical Engineering Evan Anthony DeBlase Birdsboro, PA Undeclared Aidan ScottDecker Chatham, NJ Undeclared Allyson C. Deihl Willow Street, PA Bioengineering Fenet Gizachew Demissie Oakland, CA Undeclared Anthony Louis DeWitt Rivervale, NJ Population Health Gibson Anne DiCenso Fair Haven, NJ Marketing Stephanie Phung Do Breinigsville, PA Computer Science Justin R. Doh Ambler, PA Undeclared Matthew Gregory Dolin Plymouth Meeting, PA Computer Science Marvin Dominguez Union City, NJ Computer Science Michael Dominguez Reading, PA Computer Science Anna Jane Donovan Needham Heights, MA Behavioral Neuroscience Ashlar Lucas Dotson Bristol, NH Materials Science & Engineering Tessa Maria Dougan Nantucket, MA Earth & Environmental Sciences Alyssa Nicole Drosnock Wind Gap, PA Civil Engineering Eirini Drosos Bethpage, NY Cognitive Science Connor Michael Drucis Annapolis, MD International Relations & Economics Abigail Duane South Woodstock, VT History Jonathan Patrick Durkin North Wales, PA Mechanical Engineering Alexander P. Efelis Totowa, NJ Biochemistry Kendric Selasi Effah-Gyan Dowingtown, PA Undeclared