From research and development to leadership and diversity efforts, Lehigh students continue to make an impact on campus and in their communities while succeeding in the classroom. Student Leaders M I C H A E L TA H I R U ’ 2 2 A member of the men’s soccer team, Tahiru also made an impact off the field, founding and becoming president of the Lehigh Africa Business Club. An Africana Studies class sparked the idea for the club, but he specifically wanted to incorporate business in Africa into Lehigh’s College of Business. A L E X A N D R A HOW Z E N , P H . D . S T U D E N T Howzen designed and built an atomic layer deposition chamber, which is used to grow thin films, as part of her research. The machine's incorporated electron gun allows her to study the surface structure of ultrathin oxide films, with the ultimate goal of improving the efficiency and reliability of chips used in electronic devices. LOG A N K R AM E R ’ 2 3 Manager of the Marching 97, Kramer was also the team leader for Lehigh Underwater Robotics, which started as a Mountaintop Summer Experience project. The team designed, manufactured, and tested a drone to participate in the international RoboSub competition, a student competition featuring autonomous underwater vehicles designed and built to mimic real-world systems. ZO E S H E RMA N ’ 2 5 Working with three friends, Sherman created InfernoGuard, a device smaller than an iPhone that aims to prevent thousands of wildfires each year. She won a EUREKA! Venture Program Pitch Night at the Baker Institute for the device, which is different from others on the market because it’s mounted lower to the ground and can detect fires before they get larger and more destructive. 0 9 | L E H I G H U N I V E R S I T Y