2021 Stabler Donor Impact Report R4

ENGINEERING Name: Hanako Ferro Hometown: Berwick, PA Major: Materials Science & Engineering Class: 2023 Favorite activity: LU Philharmonic Favorite faculty or staff: Professor Xiaofeng Sun, Mathematics Dream job: Materials Scientist I play the flute. It is one of the ways in which I express myself. As an engineer, I enjoy interpreting the world through physical concepts and equations, but sometimes it is nice to drift into an- other frame of mind. For me, music is another mode of thinking, almost like a second language. When I play music, I try to tell the story that the composer dreamt up. The fun part is getting to put my own artistic twist on it. This creative freedom allows me to express myself and my identity, something that I am always looking to explore. I love learning new pieces to play and finding ways to make them my own while staying true to the message of the piece. Currently, I am working on a piece called “Poem” by Charles Griffes. It is challenging, but I practice a lot so that I can give the best performance possible. My favorite class taken in my major so far is Mechanical Behav- ior of Macro/Nanoscale Materials. In this class, we explore why materials behave the way they do, and we get to physically see their behavior in the lab! It is very exciting to me to see and learn about all aspects of this process. As someone that is a hands-on learner, it is very beneficial for me to witness the concepts we learn in the classroom in person. At a time like this, I realize I am very lucky to be able to have this experience. To me, giving back means sharing my knowledge, talent, and privilege with others. I feel that those with knowledge have the duty to share it so that other people can learn and have an equal chance to change the world for the better. By reaching out to share knowledge and give back in the ways I can, I can learn even more in the process. I believe if we share our knowledge, it will collectively become stronger, and our perspective will only grow wider. By giving back our own knowledge and experiences, we can all grow together. By giving back, we can truly make a difference in the world. Thank you.